Hey, Tartarin!
You asked me to explain what is wrong with homosexuality, and I did at length. But now, instead of examining my arguments with a comparable care, you just opt out by labeling them irrational?

That really sounds convincing...
No problem. Let's examine how you redirect the discussion (out of lack of arguments?)...
Quote:I have a theory that maliagar may be putting us on.
No, man. I'm absolutely serious! :wink:
Quote:Either that or s/he gets the Ken Starr Congressional Medal for that lethal combination of an intensely dirty mind coupled with the urge have a world in which one's neighbors are just as obsessive as oneself!

That is a lot of labels in one single paragraph, Tartarin. It would be more interesting to listen to your ARGUMENTS (if you have them).
Quote:Underlying his comments is a belief that the culture is distinct from us, ... we have no control over our own lives... Maliagar says: " And if one day your U.S. culture decides ["your U.S. culture DECIDES"??!] ... The culture "decides"? We're steamrolled into not objecting? Huh?
Well, obviously you have been led to honestly believe that you truly control the direction of this country. I bet you believe things are decided "democratically" (as a matter of fact,
most key changes have been decided by the courts, in the most undemocratic of ways). So the culture (yes, the culture) is moving away from where it was 40 years ago. And you are drifting with it, like a ship without an anchor. You truly believe that you are the cause of those changes, but in fact, and thanks to TV and the media, you are just the effect of those changes. You are being taken by the nose without even realizing it. You are being brainwashed without even noticing it.
But there is a way out: Argument, reason, discussion. The problem is, people that think like you don't want to hear it. It offends their faith.
And even when things are decided by voting (the absolute minority of cases),
it is absolutely possible that the majority could be WRONG. Hence the need to have clear ideas of our own (if you care to).
Quote:The law of the US defends... the ******* of watermelons in one's own backyard; is somewhere between defending and turning a blind eye on the insertion of the phallus into orifices other than those designed for procreation...
That's right. That's what the law is doing. And some people feel so proud of it... they really think of themselves the most "advanced" in the world.
The law has changed a lot in the last 40 years, and it is likely to change more in the next 40 years. And
those who are drifters will be taken with the flow. "Liberty, how many crimes have been committed under your name".
Obviously, your religion's Bible is the U.S. constitution, and its priests the Supreme Justices (whenever they favor liberal causes).
Quote:Strong, secular governance is an important part of what we have. It defends diversity. For years people have tolerated the right of Maliagar (or anyone) to set up a box on the corner here and try to persuade us that the world is, in effect, flat after all.
Sorry pal, but
your view is as religious as mine. The difference is that I acknowledge it, while you don't. Another difference is that I am willing to argue about homosexuality or other issues, while you just tear down your garments and declare me and those who think like me "heretics". Not too rational, in my view.
But the debate continues, and you can be sure that some people do see the point of what I say. For example, the mood of the country is clearly more conservative than, say, 30 years ago.
Take care.