nimh wrote:Finn dAbuzz wrote:So now there's Putin for which to blame Bush.
Is there a psychological disorder which manifests itself by the sufferer's blaming everything wrong with the world on a single object of their loathing?
Finn, did anyone actually blame Bush for Putin here?
All I see Diane saying is that Putin's a gangster, regardless of what Bush said about him.
You gotta admit that what Bush said about him was weirdly naive.
Doesnt make Bush responsible for
Putin; does make him responsible for his own weird misestimation of Putin.
Doesnt seem like such a difficult distinction to make.
The blame, it seems to me, is implied. If it is not, it is a gratuitous piece of snidery (if the word doesn't exist, it should)that is not only irrelevant to the broader topic but banal.
Clearly Bush was snookered by Putin during that initial meeting. I could be wrong, but I know of no evidence to suggest that Bush has either retained his foolish impression or, more importantly, made a subsequent series of policy mistakes based upon it.
It is pretty obvious that Putin is not interested in democracy and has a spymaster sense of morality, which is to say at the very least amorality.
Ultimately it may prove more important to answer whether democracy is sustainable in Russia rather than in the arabic Middle East.