Hi Craven - just when i thought i had it licked - i get this error:
General Error
Failed to update general configuration for 'allow_avatar_sticky'
SQL Error : 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'allow_avatar_sticky''' at line 3
UPDATE phpbb_config SET config_value = '1' WHERE config_name = ''allow_avatar_sticky''
Line : 62
File : /home/gadgetad/public_html/forums/admin/admin_board.php
i checked admin_board.php and did not mod any code near where the error is.
i went to phpmysql and deleted the values for allow_avatar sticky, and then copied and pasted the insert into code per netclectic's mod
any ideas?
i am glad to have the avatars back - this error just makes me wonder if everything else is okay. i do get a LOT of errors when i try to access things from the admin panel, since that whacky FM board override, and i ignore most of them as i udnerstand those modules are no longer used, etc. - but i'm surprised about the above new error after the mod. thanks for the help!
UPDATE: After a lot of hair pulling, i went back to phpmyadmin, monkeyed around with the sql and made sure i deleted any prior entries for the fields, and then inserted the field per the mod, and that seems to have solved the problem - wasn't a code problem so much as how i monkeyed with the mysql database - doh! i THINK i had set the value of "1" to be ascii versus binary - but then, what else is new for me?