USAFHokie80 wrote:God is not supernatural - it is a myth. The ability to prove or disprove love has no bearing on the existence of god.
It has everything to do with it.
Science is based on observation, experimentation, replicable results, falsifiability, etc
Most things in life CANNOT be proven scientifically.
You cannot prove scientifically:
--what you ate for dinner last Tuesday
--what color socks you wore a month ago on the 22nd
--what you got for your birthday when you were 15
--how much hair you had when you turned 50
--how fast the car you owned in high school could go from 0 to 60
--that you had a crush on Susie Q in 10th grade
And we could go on.
Science is very limited what it can prove. The example of love is a great one.
Science cannot prove love EVER existed, much less that it exists in any particular case (i.e. my Mom loves me).
It's simply beyond the realm of science.
The existence of God is a question beyond the realm of science, and the jokers who continually demand 'evidence' (and they usually mean scientific evidence) of God ---
----- well, they just give science a (very undeserved) bad name.
Science is extremely useful, but many who style themselves 'scientifically minded' these days are anything but.
They were poorly trained in logic and science by government schools staffed by teachers who often couldn't pass the exams they gave to students.
To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Many careerists in the science field are adept at collaring grant money but short on producing anything worthy of the name 'science'.
Why? Because they waste money pretending that everything under the sun can be determined and proven by science.
Much of the junk science produced today takes away from the valid research that can and should be done looking for legitimate scientific answers to mankind's real needs.
It's a shame.