Reply Tue 12 May, 2015 05:57 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

After appointing a Justice Secretary who said the UK should have back hanging, and a Culture Secretary who calls the BBC licence fee a "poll tax", David Cameron today appointed anti-gay marriage MP Caroline Dinenage as equalities minister.

In general England would like to their football fortunes improve.

But in a shock move Cameron has appointed Luol Deng of the NBA as his minister for sport!

Reply Tue 12 May, 2015 06:04 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 May, 2015 06:05 pm
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Reply Tue 12 May, 2015 06:05 pm
...bah dump
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 May, 2015 06:15 pm
Kolyo wrote:

In general England would like to see their football fortunes improve.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 May, 2015 06:24 pm
What was even worse than the decision to go into Iraq was the way it was carried out, no plan for post Saddam, no intelligence, (hailed as liberators,) and no understanding of the consequences other than making a quick buck. It was ill conceived and carried out by complete morons.

You boys dont want to deal with the more recent debacle called Libya, since you and France were the main braintrust on that, we americans somewhat reluctantly helped you out....only to end up doing most of it because your militaries are shockingly not prepared for war.

Reply Tue 12 May, 2015 06:55 pm
Lordyaswas wrote:

With all due respect, georgeob, bollocks.


Blair, with one fell swoop, made modern Britain just as dishonorable as America on the world stage. I still feel the shame, embarrassment and anger.

Can you tell?

Yes I can detect your anger. However I do believe Britain had a very long run on the world stage which should have been excellent preparation for your shame, had you been willing to think about or face it. It wasn't "one fell swoop" you had been working on it for centuries. More or less the same can be said for all dominant powers throughout human history, though some were clearly far worse than others.

I assume the "American funded bombings you cited were those of the IRA. In the first place I doubt the casualties you suffered involved even approached a proportional total comparable to 9/11: in the second I believe the British casualties inflicted on the Irish during the same period were at least comparable. Finally I submit that the long period of Irish Revolution against Britain was entirely justifiable by historical standards, however inconvenient you found the latter stages of it to be. The preceeding centuries set the stage for it all. But as Jonathan Swift wrote that's just "A Modest Proposal".
0 Replies
Reply Tue 12 May, 2015 07:18 pm
When did this turn into the "I hate Britain" thread?
Reply Tue 12 May, 2015 07:29 pm
According to Georgeob, around the time that the wheel was invented.
Reply Tue 12 May, 2015 09:49 pm
I believe that if you will review the last few pages here you will find that most of the emotion, harsh words, epithets and name-calling came from yourself and that most of the real hatred (if that is the right word) was directed at the United States, not your country. You appear to be unable to gracefully accept any rejoinder to your many intemperate criticisms, however factual and appropriate it may be. Meanwhile you appear to react with rage at even a hint at the remarkable and entirely obvious hypocrisy involved in the positions you take with such narrow-minded focus. I truly don't know what might be the source of your anger, but am glad to know that it's your problem, not mine.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2015 01:34 am
Take your head out of your arse and realise that it's not always about you.

You are obviously an eminent historian who could no doubt put the world to rights in one evening down my local pub, but you stuck your patronising nose in where you should have left it out.
The endlessly ignorant hawkeye asked a question, and I answered it as honestly as possible, from a British and personal viewpoint.
I must have hit the mark as my one or two posts were remarkably well thumbed up before the offended resident Republicans browsed through and huffily downed me by two or three points. Who cares?

Hawkeye asked, I answered and you then entered the fray, going all Sister Theresa on us.

Britain was duped into war by Blair and co., who was motivated by your profiteers and foot stamping morons. That is the British view.

You may place that sideways up your rear orifice for all I care, but it is the truth as I see it.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2015 01:35 am
Libya is still ongoing, the main reason it wasn't that successful was because of the precedent set in Iraq. It should have been better funded, but compared to Iraq it was a resounding success.

Most of the jihadists are veterans of Afghanistan, and benefitted from American training.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 13 May, 2015 01:46 am
Kolyo wrote:

When did this turn into the "I hate Britain" thread?

Bigots like Gob1 were taught to hate the English from the cradle. The first time I came on A2K he had a go at me just for being English.

He is the worst form of hypocrite, holding me personally accountable for the horrors of the British Empire while he himself was an active participant in the napalming of Vietnamese children. That's how Nazis think, Himmler would congratulate his SS death camp guards for remaining decent with no sense of irony. Gob1 likes to boast of his Nazi father's exploits serving Hitler in the US Senate.

Hawkeye, is just upset that I keep making him look stupid, (which isn't difficult,) so like Gob1, he reverts to name calling. And Oralboy is some sort of inbred throwback.

You're the only decent American on the entire thread, the rest are just septics, totally full of **** and nothing else.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2015 01:57 am
Can I just say that I know of many decent and thoughtful Americans who have popped into this and the last Brit thread over the years, and would not like to paint them all with the same brush.
When Bush and Blair were mutually masturbating each other and Iraq was in full swing, there were many many angry Yanks here on a2k, who were regularly vilified by the usual Republican crowd as pinkoes and traitors.
Many of those reasonable Yanks don't post on a2k any more, but quite a few are still knocking around.

On the whole, the reasonable ones greatly outnumber the armchair generals, but the generals just seem great in number because they are constantly winding things up, presumably looking for an argument or conflict.

Such is life, nowadays. Illegitimi nil carborundum and all that.

Off to walk the dog now, on what is a glorious spring morning. Going to see the bluebells in the woods.

Reply Wed 13 May, 2015 03:19 am
Lordyaswas wrote:
Off to walk the dog now, on what is a glorious spring morning. Going to see the bluebells in the woods.

They are lovely right now, I've got loads in my garden.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2015 03:53 am
They were magnificent. Vast blue carpets in the dappled shade, across acres of woodland. A full one hour of reasonably brisk walking in a large circle, and millions of bluebells as far as the eye could see, all of the way.

Just like this......


Today's roll call:
Six adults, two Golden Retrievers, one black Labby, one black Gun dog, one Vizsla, one Cocker (called Joe), one adult mini Schnauzer and one pup, one Boxer and one Greyhound.

Not one single fight between the dogs, and several incredibly funny work related stories from various adults, including one from our lady Ambulance Paramedic, who was recently called out to a local Hotel where a newlywed Asian couple (from India) seriously thought that the groom was having a seizure.
Turns out that he was, but it was a seizure of the enjoyable kind shortly after they had got into bed together for the very first time.

Paramedic lady had to explain in great detail, including hastily sketched diagram, as to the workings of the human male, and assure him that it was quite normal.

An enjoyable walk, all in all.
Reply Wed 13 May, 2015 06:04 am
Lordyaswas wrote:
Not one single fight between the dogs,

What about the adults?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2015 02:52 am
Heard my first cuckoo today.
Reply Thu 14 May, 2015 05:37 am
Gunga been on the phone, has he?

I've put his number on block after last time.
Reply Thu 14 May, 2015 05:51 am
No this was a very nice cuckoo perched somewhere near the local Co-op. Gunga's got his job cut out as a Russian 5th columnist.
0 Replies

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