@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
Lordyaswas wrote:The day will come when they no longsr 'currently' control any of their main economic budgeting, which will be overseen by the headmaster in Brussels or some other bureaucratic tower block.
Actually, it's the EU-parliament. Which is democratocally elected.
But where most of the UK is making fun about. And when this parliament decides something .... some foreign prime minister, whom I didn't have a change at all to elect, oppose it.
Good try at sidetracking, Walt, but we're not here to talk about your willingness to hand over major budgetary powers to a team of mainly non fellow countrymen, we're here discussing the fact that this is exactly what Salmond is complaining about!
Part of the reason that he is making trouble is because, as he sees it, Scottish budgetary policies are being made in what he views as a foreign country (England) and is demanding that Scotland has total power over its own finances.
He omits to point out the fact that there are Scottish democratically elected MPs sitting in Westminster and taking part in these budgetary decisions.
He also glosses over the fact that if Scotland was to go into the Euro, then this situation will get even worse, with budgetary decisions being made by people who have English as a second language and sit a few hundred miles further away from Holyrood than Westminster does!
How many Scots elected MEP's would there be sitting in and voting on such Euro budgetary decisions?
What proportion of the overall voting pool would they represent? Probably a damn sight smaller than the percentage currently having their say/vote in Westminster.
The Scots virtually ran Westminster during the umpteen years that Blair and Brown were in power.
Who maxed out the country's credit cards and then raped the big institutions pension pots by taxing their coffers?
A Scot.
Many present day pensioners have a substantially smaller pension to live on because of the imbecile Brown.
Who wacked an emergency windfall tax on oil, in a desperate effort to balance the books?
A Scot.
What nationality filled the post of Chancellor of The Exchequer for the vast majority, if not all of Blair's and Brown's reign, turning the reasonably healthy economic situation they inherited into one of massive National debt which we are still finding hard even trying to start to chip away at?
One more term of office with similar Scottish financial astuteness would have seen us begging for aid packages from the likes of Uzbeckistan or North Korea.
Spare a cup of rice please, guv'nor?