I don't give a monkeys about the Royal family. I believe you've just been on holiday to Cornwall, but on your return you don't talk about your holiday, but about something you dislike about English people, our supposed arrogance.
We would be less arrogant if you told us what to do, like adopting Scottish regnal numbers and allowing an independent Scotland to dictate currency union and open borders.
I'm sick of our politicians constantly kowtowing to the Scots, and Alex Salmond telling us that refusing to enter a currency union would be a betrayal of the Scottish people. So what? If Scotland goes independent the English owe Scotland nothing. No currency union/controlled borders and a refusal to allow Scotland to join the EU/NATO unless it honours its debt obligations, (like bailing out RBS for starters.) Any default should be registered with agencies like Moodys. All Scots, like other foreigners, should be required to carry a passport or be deported back. Let's face it half of the winos on the streets all have Scottish accents, we could do without them for a start.