I noticed in the game that there was an incident which showed a problem with goal line technology. After the ball bounced down off the bar onto the line the referees judged it had not crossed the line. The clearance led to about 4 minutes of continuous play before a stoppage occurred and the incident could be looked at.
What if the technology had shown the ball to have crossed the line and the play after the incident had been continuous for 10 minutes. Or during the subsequent play Villa had scored at the other end. And suppose such an incident took place in the World Cup final.
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Romeo Fabulini
Thu 8 May, 2014 03:25 am
For years tennis has been using an electronic eye that beeps if the ball crosses the line, so the dumb shitheads who run football should catch up and use the same technology..
I don't think the geniuses who run tennis could provide 9 months of 38 games between 20 teams and make it pay. Or even watchable at all.
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Romeo Fabulini
Thu 8 May, 2014 03:41 am
The rot first set in at the English Football Association when they sacked Alf Ramsey even though he'd won the World Cup for them, then over the years they continually showed what shitheads they were by appointing a succession of useless managers to the job while bypassing the best manager in England- Brian Clough.
Even in recent years the pol-correct traitorous clowns at the FA are just as bad as ever, appointing foreign managers to manage England which is a calculated insult to every English manager by implying they're not good enough..
You're so full of it. Alf Ramsey was too long in the tooth to continue. Hiring foreign managers had absolutely nothing to do with pc correctness and everything to do with capability. Steve McLaren was ****.
The problem with England's national team is down to the success of the premiership, and a tendency by big clubs to buy star foreign players instead of nurturing home grown talent.
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Thu 8 May, 2014 04:08 am
spendius wrote:
I agree that we should always have an English manager of the national side. But never Clough or Venebles or any other accident waiting to happen.
Have you seen The Damned United? A brilliant film, well worth watching, Michael Sheen totally nails Clough.
Izzy said: The Damned United.. A brilliant film, well worth watching, Michael Sheen totally nails Clough.
Johnny Giles wouldn't agree..- "The story of Clough's short spell in charge of Leeds United was the subject of a novel by David Peace, titled The Damned Utd. The publishers of the novel were successfully sued by Irish midfielder Johnny Giles who wrote, "Many of the things Peace talks about in the book never happened and for that reason, I felt it necessary to go to the courts to establish that this was fiction based on fact and nothing more." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Clough
Clough's record was impeccable, he took Derby to the 1st Div Championship, then did it again with Notts Forest, and also took NF to two European Cup Final wins.
The pol-correct FA never liked him because he was too outspoken, so they betrayed English soccer by refusing to appoint him England manager, what a bunch of tossers..