I feel sorry for Clifford, it shows just what a sickening fiasco the British judicial system has become to jail a man simply because some women came forward 25 years after the event to make allegations.
t was just their word against Cliffords, so the case should have been thrown out of court for lack of evidence.
Same with Dave Lee Travis and anybody else accused many years after the alleged incidents, it should never come to court.
The law should be changed to only entertain claims made by women within a few months of the alleged incidents.
I mean, the alleged "abuse" can't have been serious or they'd have complained to the police way back then.
Same with the Jimmy Saville fiasco, they waited til the poor sod was dead before coming forward, that's just not on!
He raised millions for charities but now his name has been besmirched when he can't defend himself.
The charities are still hanging onto the cash though..