spendius wrote:
Did you see the America's Cup? The Yanks were 8--1 down in a best of 17 so they called in Sir Ben Ainslie and they won the next 8 match-ups, easily, and lifted the trophy.
Some great action shots.
Aussie skipper and tactitian now!
I absolutely did. The words Hell and handbasket spring readily to mind.
Have you seen the Yanks are all on the edge of their seats again, it's an annual game, over the government running out of dough?
It's next week's big photocall.
I've not been too switched-on this week. People have been f**king with my head. I'm recovering from (minor) surgery.
I don't know how the American political system works, and the indications are that it doesn't.
spendius wrote:Have you seen the Yanks are all on the edge of their seats again, it's an annual game, over the government running out of dough?
Meh. The only important issue is the modification of the ineptly-named "sequester".
We want to relax the cuts on military spending while cementing the non-military spending cuts in stone.
The other stuff will get worked out once all the drama queens have gotten their hysteria fix.
oralloy wrote:The other stuff will get worked out once all the drama queens have gotten their hysteria fix.
I did laugh when a TV commentator described the Tea Party as the "shoot the hostages" wing of the Republican Party.
It's also quite amusing that hysterical drama queens are running the show.
"The other stuff will get worked out" is easy to say. And if it is worked out what will the drama queens do to indulge their hysteria?
"It'll all come out in the wash", my Daddy often remarked when faced with a confusing picture. So watch a washing day fulfill its destiny and think of yourselves as the washing. The hysterical drama queens being the little blue specks in the soap powder which give the clothes that extra whiteness and sparkle.
It's probably best to choose a good drying day so that the being pegged out on the line is a fairly short period and the ironing and being neatly folded away in the proper places can be got over with facility. After that go naked then it doesn't have to be done again.
I like that metaphor. It has potential.
Going back to the Trumpington Village Hall fiasco in the interest of keeping you up-to-date, or at least vaguely in touch, Mac, I found this in the Mail Online article about the matter.
Quote:In fact, the bondage enthusiasts took great care not to be spotted. Before a meeting, strict instructions about clothing are issued. The group refers to non S&M devotees as ‘nillas’ and ordinary clothing as ‘vanilla clothing’.
‘Please, PLEASE do wear vanilla clothing; you will need to go past some residential houses to get from the street/car park to the hall, so do not scare the nillas,’ members are instructed'
A decent imaginative writer with time on his hands should be interested in this matter. From little acorns mighty oak trees.
One problem with Clockwork Orange is that Burgess had to invent his futuristic slang. Like NFL it was drawn up on paper. Hence it is inauthentic because it has not grown. Not evolved. As proper football and cricket have. Like a plastic flower. "Nilla" and "vanilla clothing" have grown.
The nillas in Trumpinton might have sprayed Cambridge Kink (Mistress Bond--Chief Executive Officeress) with WEEDGONE but it has simply relocated and probably to more extensive premises after this brilliant PR stunt.
You must have some opinion on a matter of such importance and it's appearance in a Liberal Democrat stronghold surrounded by safe Conservative seats, if you will pardon the expression.
It's all Blackpool postcard common sense up 'ere.
Coming back to football: referees here in Germany tend to give cards and not to do player-centred therapy like in Mourinho vs. former assistant.
An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned
to her and said, "Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike
up a conversation with your fellow passenger."
The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total
stranger, "What would you want to talk about?"
"Oh, I don't know," said the atheist. "How about why there is no God,
or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?" as he smiled smugly.
"Okay," she said. "Those could be interesting topics but let me ask
you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same
stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns
out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?"
The atheist, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence,
thinks about it and says, "Hmmm, I have no idea." To which
the little girl replies, "Do you really feel qualified to discuss
God, Heaven and Hell, or life after death, when you don't know ****?"
And then she went back to reading her book.
It's pretty general Mac. I wonder what the uxorious members of A2K, that's the ones who label others as misogynists, think of the Trumpington affair and Mistress Bond.
I hadn't read your earlier carefully-written and informative post about
L' affaire Trumpington. Apologies.
I was horrified, perplexed, and amused in equal measure. Folks down south must have a lot of leisure time on their hands. Up here, we are kept busy tending our rhubarb and looking after whippets and pigeons to be bothered with such things as that. Nora Batty would never have stood for it, not even during Wakes Week.
If I'd known earlier about that event ... tea, coffee and biscuits were also included in the £10 entry fee ... much better than watching
Jean Alys Barker, Baroness Trumpington, DCVO, PC in the documentary
Fabulous Fashionistas
On the eve of the Tory Conference, a very British political scandal.
Quote:Number 10 has denied claims in a new book that Larry the Downing Street cat is disliked by the prime minister and his family.
Quote:Nora Batty would never have stood for it, not even during Wakes Week.
But she might well have stood for it Mac, and even been enthusiastic, had she been on a Cambridge Kink Course at Trumpington Village Hall and being shown the ropes by Ms Bond.
From what I remember of the series, which I didn't much care for, Nora showed distinct tendencies in these new directions.
Did you read the Mail Online link I suggested. It was quite amusing. And it raises some quite interesting questions.
It might surprise us nillas what is going on in idyllic rustic locations close to centres of intellectual excellence where hibernating theologies are likely to reawaken first.
The thing is that we are talking about it. And the more we talk about it the less shocking it gets until we become
blase. After that it flies by its own imperatives.
spendius wrote:"The other stuff will get worked out" is easy to say.
The way this will end seems pretty straightforward: As the government stays closed down for longer and longer, the populace will become more and more cross with the politicians.
Once the American people are cross enough, the mainstream politicians will turn to the Tea Party and tell them "Sorry, but we're more afraid of them now than we are of you." Then the government will reopen and everything will be back to normal.
Until next time.
It's only a "partial" shutdown I hear. Relativity applies to shutdowns it seems. Apologies for misleading you.
spendius wrote:It's only a "partial" shutdown I hear. Relativity applies to shutdowns it seems. Apologies for misleading you.
The important thing will be the sequester modifications. We want to relax the cuts to military spending while cementing all the other spending cuts into place.