I don't follow rugby Taggers. I prefer games which have a place for chaps with a far wider range of physical characteristics than is the case for rugby. Tennis is looking a bit standardised too.
I couldn't put a face to either of the players you mention.
I know flat race jockeys are required to be within narrow limits but that is for aesthetic reasons and nothing to do with racing horses which could just as easily be done with heavier riders if it didn't involve a considerable loss of grace.
My favourite part of a great flat race is when the camera follows the winner's jockey pulling it up. What Stubbs would have given to see that at Glorious Goodwood on a 47 inch HD screen. He might well have wept though.
I love watching the Pelaton swallow up the breakaway group, one by one, which has been "up the road" by 10 minutes an hour earlier. From the camera car in front it looks like a monster gobbling its prey. A giant lizard. Especially on the flat road near the end when you have been thinking for most of that hour that they might escape. Which I have seen them do.
And I love the view of France which Eurosport so expertly show us. Montpellier looked wonderful today. I hope it is. We were shown on the approach to the town the hinterland from which it derives its living. Probably entirely 100 years ago.
It's a geography lesson without compare. And there's history in it. The coverage of the Tour de France has more followers for the scenery and sights than for the cycling. It is a major television achievement. That is what television is for. All that shite generated inside its own sweaty box is not worth a blow on a ragman's snot-rag.
Sport will civilise the world.