Not only that izzy but failing to mention that the Church condemns unreservedly erring priests and has compensated victims when the case has been proved and is doing something about the problem whilst the drone strikes are killing people without due process, and many other innocents, are official policy enthusiastically engaged in, and there is no compensation for any victims.
The church is only quietly "condemning erring ppriests". There seems to be a "stelth program of transferring priests before found out" and "Bishops silently reshuffling staffers who had been known pervs" .
Also, in the US, theres been a quiet campaign to keep these child molestation cases out of the hands of law and order authorities. WHY is that I wonder.
Now, as far as Mr Obama and closing Gitmo and proposing the use of drones, WHY ARE YOU APPLYING THE "EITHER OR " Principle?
Both are problems that have the US public drawing up sides and , both sides of the aisle are demanding answers . SO your attempts to try to create a "two sides of a coin" argument are just stupid spendi.
One is a 20 year old series of investigations of a major religious institution showing us that they seem to be controlled by their own SATAN. They are attempting to keep the scandals bottled up and only admit to them even happening whenever some victims come froward.
The other is a government that we elected based upon promises. If the promises are not kept, we have opportunities to "Unelect them". As far as drones on US citizens, this will wind up in the Supreme court.
ANYWAY, many of you idiots seem to celebrate the centuries of staid consistent religious leadership where these ignored scandals and improprieties arise from a 1000 year old celibacy law initiated by the church itself only so that it can keep all acquired properties of its clergy, upon their deaths.
YET, you seem to insist that all governmental improprieties be handled immediately lest it reveal some moral shortcoming of our system. How long did it take us to assure civil rights? We have opportunities to "hang out our political wash" at least every two years, 4 years and 6 years . I think thats great (despite how silly and petulant we appear to the international press).
AND, it seems like, officially, the UK supports our silly walks.