ugh - after HOURS i still don't know what i'm doing, or what's wrong. i've checked out the database in phpmyadmin and everything looks kosher. i checked everything i could find that throws avatars around, including the .tpl files, and the gist that i have come up with is that for some reason viewtopic.php is not properly assigning $poster_avatar. to really make sure, in viewtopic, the $template-> section (bottom), i forced 'POSTER_AVATAR' to be 3.gif (which is my animated homer) - i wasn't worried about the correct path or if i had the language right, i figured even an error would show me something. sure enough, the words 3.gif appear under the headings, which shows me:
i specified the wrong nomenclature for it to get the image from 3.gif (which didn't concern me) and it shows me the system is properly displaying the forum information, bearing in mind $poster_avatar is not getting properly assigned.
Avatars do appear in the user control panel, and on the fetch page, so i'm wondering what's upsetting the logica statement in $poster_avatar - it seems to be sticking wit hthe $poster_avatar='': before processing the loop...
if it makes things easier, i do not allow remote avatars (from other sites) - i don't want broken links, so i do allow uploading and the gallery. any idea?
if i knew what i was doing, i'd put a way to print as each of the swtich lines are accessed, i.e. something like, echo "first switch command executed" or something like that to help debug.
here's my entire viewtopic (with my stupid 3.gif line)
* viewtopic.php
* -------------------
* begin : Saturday, Feb 13, 2001
* copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
* email :
[email protected]
* $Id: viewtopic.php,v 2003/06/07 17:52:31 acydburn Exp $
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
define('IN_PHPBB', true);
$phpbb_root_path = './';
include($phpbb_root_path . '');
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.'.$phpEx);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/bbcode.'.$phpEx);
// Start initial var setup
$topic_id = intval($HTTP_GET_VARS[POST_TOPIC_URL]);
else if ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['topic']) )
$topic_id = intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['topic']);
$post_id = intval($HTTP_GET_VARS[POST_POST_URL]);
$start = ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['start']) ) ? intval($HTTP_GET_VARS['start']) : 0;
if ( !isset($topic_id) && !isset($post_id) )
message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Topic_post_not_exist');
// Find topic id if user requested a newer
// or older topic
if ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['view']) && empty($HTTP_GET_VARS[POST_POST_URL]) )
if ( $HTTP_GET_VARS['view'] == 'newest' )
if ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_sid']) || isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['sid']) )
$session_id = isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_sid']) ? $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_sid'] : $HTTP_GET_VARS['sid'];
if ( $session_id )
$sql = "SELECT p.post_id
FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . SESSIONS_TABLE . " s, " . USERS_TABLE . " u
WHERE s.session_id = '$session_id'
AND u.user_id = s.session_user_id
AND p.topic_id = $topic_id
AND p.post_time >= u.user_lastvisit
ORDER BY p.post_time ASC
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Could not obtain newer/older topic information', '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
if ( !($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) )
message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'No_new_posts_last_visit');
$post_id = $row['post_id'];
if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['sid']))
redirect("viewtopic.$phpEx?sid=$session_id&" . POST_POST_URL . "=$post_id#$post_id");
redirect("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_POST_URL . "=$post_id#$post_id");
redirect(append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id", true));
else if ( $HTTP_GET_VARS['view'] == 'next' || $HTTP_GET_VARS['view'] == 'previous' )
$sql_condition = ( $HTTP_GET_VARS['view'] == 'next' ) ? '>' : '<';
$sql_ordering = ( $HTTP_GET_VARS['view'] == 'next' ) ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
$sql = "SELECT t.topic_id
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t2, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p2
WHERE t2.topic_id = $topic_id
AND p2.post_id = t2.topic_last_post_id
AND t.forum_id = t2.forum_id
AND p.post_id = t.topic_last_post_id
AND p.post_time $sql_condition p2.post_time
AND p.topic_id = t.topic_id
ORDER BY p.post_time $sql_ordering
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not obtain newer/older topic information", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$topic_id = intval($row['topic_id']);
$message = ( $HTTP_GET_VARS['view'] == 'next' ) ? 'No_newer_topics' : 'No_older_topics';
message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
// This rather complex gaggle of code handles querying for topics but
// also allows for direct linking to a post (and the calculation of which
// page the post is on and the correct display of viewtopic)
$join_sql_table = ( !isset($post_id) ) ? '' : ", " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p2 ";
$join_sql = ( !isset($post_id) ) ? "t.topic_id = $topic_id" : "p.post_id = $post_id AND t.topic_id = p.topic_id AND p2.topic_id = p.topic_id AND p2.post_id <= $post_id";
$count_sql = ( !isset($post_id) ) ? '' : ", COUNT(p2.post_id) AS prev_posts";
$order_sql = ( !isset($post_id) ) ? '' : "GROUP BY p.post_id, t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_status, t.topic_replies, t.topic_time, t.topic_type, t.topic_vote, t.topic_last_post_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_status, f.forum_id, f.auth_view, f.auth_read, f.auth_post, f.auth_reply, f.auth_edit, f.auth_delete, f.auth_sticky, f.auth_announce, f.auth_pollcreate, f.auth_vote, f.auth_attachments ORDER BY p.post_id ASC";
$sql = "SELECT t.topic_id, t.topic_title, t.topic_status, t.topic_replies, t.topic_time, t.topic_type, t.topic_vote, t.topic_last_post_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_status, f.forum_id, f.auth_view, f.auth_read, f.auth_post, f.auth_reply, f.auth_edit, f.auth_delete, f.auth_sticky, f.auth_announce, f.auth_pollcreate, f.auth_vote, f.auth_attachments" . $count_sql . "
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . FORUMS_TABLE . " f" . $join_sql_table . "
WHERE $join_sql
AND f.forum_id = t.forum_id
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not obtain topic information", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
if ( !($forum_topic_data = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) )
message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, 'Topic_post_not_exist');
$forum_id = intval($forum_topic_data['forum_id']);
// Start session management
$userdata = session_pagestart($user_ip, $forum_id);
// End session management
// Start auth check
$is_auth = array();
$is_auth = auth(AUTH_ALL, $forum_id, $userdata, $forum_topic_data);
if( !$is_auth['auth_view'] || !$is_auth['auth_read'] )
if ( !$userdata['session_logged_in'] )
$redirect = ( isset($post_id) ) ? POST_POST_URL . "=$post_id" : POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id";
$redirect .= ( isset($start) ) ? "&start=$start" : '';
redirect(append_sid("login.$phpEx?redirect=viewtopic.$phpEx&$redirect", true));
$message = ( !$is_auth['auth_view'] ) ? $lang['Topic_post_not_exist'] : sprintf($lang['Sorry_auth_read'], $is_auth['auth_read_type']);
message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
// End auth check
$forum_name = $forum_topic_data['forum_name'];
$topic_title = $forum_topic_data['topic_title'];
$topic_id = intval($forum_topic_data['topic_id']);
$topic_time = $forum_topic_data['topic_time'];
if ( !empty($post_id) )
$start = floor(($forum_topic_data['prev_posts'] - 1) / intval($board_config['posts_per_page'])) * intval($board_config['posts_per_page']);
// Is user watching this thread?
if( $userdata['session_logged_in'] )
$can_watch_topic = TRUE;
$sql = "SELECT notify_status
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id
AND user_id = " . $userdata['user_id'];
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not obtain topic watch information", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
if ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
if ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['unwatch']) )
if ( $HTTP_GET_VARS['unwatch'] == 'topic' )
$is_watching_topic = 0;
$sql_priority = (SQL_LAYER == "mysql") ? "LOW_PRIORITY" : '';
$sql = "DELETE $sql_priority FROM " . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE . "
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id
AND user_id = " . $userdata['user_id'];
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not delete topic watch information", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
'META' => '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=' . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&start=$start") . '">')
$message = $lang['No_longer_watching'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['Click_return_topic'], '<a href="' . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&start=$start") . '">', '</a>');
message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
$is_watching_topic = TRUE;
if ( $row['notify_status'] )
$sql_priority = (SQL_LAYER == "mysql") ? "LOW_PRIORITY" : '';
$sql = "UPDATE $sql_priority " . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE . "
SET notify_status = 0
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id
AND user_id = " . $userdata['user_id'];
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not update topic watch information", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
if ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['watch']) )
if ( $HTTP_GET_VARS['watch'] == 'topic' )
$is_watching_topic = TRUE;
$sql_priority = (SQL_LAYER == "mysql") ? "LOW_PRIORITY" : '';
$sql = "INSERT $sql_priority INTO " . TOPICS_WATCH_TABLE . " (user_id, topic_id, notify_status)
VALUES (" . $userdata['user_id'] . ", $topic_id, 0)";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not insert topic watch information", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
'META' => '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3;url=' . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&start=$start") . '">')
$message = $lang['You_are_watching'] . '<br /><br />' . sprintf($lang['Click_return_topic'], '<a href="' . append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&start=$start") . '">', '</a>');
message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $message);
$is_watching_topic = 0;
if ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['unwatch']) )
if ( $HTTP_GET_VARS['unwatch'] == 'topic' )
redirect(append_sid("login.$phpEx?redirect=viewtopic.$phpEx&" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&unwatch=topic", true));
$can_watch_topic = 0;
$is_watching_topic = 0;
// Generate a 'Show posts in previous x days' select box. If the postdays var is POSTed
// then get it's value, find the number of topics with dates newer than it (to properly
// handle pagination) and alter the main query
$previous_days = array(0, 1, 7, 14, 30, 90, 180, 364);
$previous_days_text = array($lang['All_Posts'], $lang['1_Day'], $lang['7_Days'], $lang['2_Weeks'], $lang['1_Month'], $lang['3_Months'], $lang['6_Months'], $lang['1_Year']);
if( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays']) || !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['postdays']) )
$post_days = ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays']) ) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays'] : $HTTP_GET_VARS['postdays'];
$min_post_time = time() - (intval($post_days) * 86400);
$sql = "SELECT COUNT(p.post_id) AS num_posts
FROM " . TOPICS_TABLE . " t, " . POSTS_TABLE . " p
WHERE t.topic_id = $topic_id
AND p.topic_id = t.topic_id
AND p.post_time >= $min_post_time";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not obtain limited topics count information", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$total_replies = ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) ? intval($row['num_posts']) : 0;
$limit_posts_time = "AND p.post_time >= $min_post_time ";
if ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postdays']))
$start = 0;
$total_replies = intval($forum_topic_data['topic_replies']) + 1;
$limit_posts_time = '';
$post_days = 0;
$select_post_days = '<select name="postdays">';
for($i = 0; $i < count($previous_days); $i++)
$selected = ($post_days == $previous_days[$i]) ? ' selected="selected"' : '';
$select_post_days .= '<option value="' . $previous_days[$i] . '"' . $selected . '>' . $previous_days_text[$i] . '</option>';
$select_post_days .= '</select>';
// Decide how to order the post display
if ( !empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postorder']) || !empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['postorder']) )
$post_order = (!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS['postorder'])) ? $HTTP_POST_VARS['postorder'] : $HTTP_GET_VARS['postorder'];
$post_time_order = ($post_order == "asc") ? "ASC" : "DESC";
$post_order = 'asc';
$post_time_order = 'ASC';
$select_post_order = '<select name="postorder">';
if ( $post_time_order == 'ASC' )
$select_post_order .= '<option value="asc" selected="selected">' . $lang['Oldest_First'] . '</option><option value="desc">' . $lang['Newest_First'] . '</option>';
$select_post_order .= '<option value="asc">' . $lang['Oldest_First'] . '</option><option value="desc" selected="selected">' . $lang['Newest_First'] . '</option>';
$select_post_order .= '</select>';
// Go ahead and pull all data for this topic
$sql = "SELECT u.username, u.user_id, u.user_posts, u.user_from, u.user_website, u.user_email, u.user_icq, u.user_aim, u.user_yim, u.user_regdate, u.user_msnm, u.user_viewemail, u.user_rank, u.user_sig, u.user_sig_bbcode_uid, u.user_avatar, u.user_avatar_type, u.user_allowavatar, u.user_allowsmile, p.*, pt.post_text, pt.post_subject, pt.bbcode_uid
FROM " . POSTS_TABLE . " p, " . USERS_TABLE . " u, " . POSTS_TEXT_TABLE . " pt
WHERE p.topic_id = $topic_id
AND pt.post_id = p.post_id
AND u.user_id = p.poster_id
ORDER BY p.post_time $post_time_order
LIMIT $start, ".$board_config['posts_per_page'];
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not obtain post/user information.", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$postrow = array();
if ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result))
$postrow[] = $row;
while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result));
$total_posts = count($postrow);
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.' . $phpEx);
sync('topic', $topic_id);
message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['No_posts_topic']);
$resync = FALSE;
if ($forum_topic_data['topic_replies'] + 1 < $start + count($postrow))
$resync = TRUE;
elseif ($start + $board_config['posts_per_page'] > $forum_topic_data['topic_replies'])
$row_id = intval($forum_topic_data['topic_replies']) % intval($board_config['posts_per_page']);
if ($postrow[$row_id]['post_id'] != $forum_topic_data['topic_last_post_id'] || $start + count($postrow) < $forum_topic_data['topic_replies'])
$resync = TRUE;
elseif (count($postrow) < $board_config['posts_per_page'])
$resync = TRUE;
if ($resync)
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/functions_admin.' . $phpEx);
sync('topic', $topic_id);
$result = $db->sql_query('SELECT COUNT(post_id) AS total FROM ' . POSTS_TABLE . ' WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic_id);
$row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result);
$total_replies = $row['total'];
$sql = "SELECT *
ORDER BY rank_special, rank_min";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not obtain ranks information.", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$ranksrow = array();
while ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) )
$ranksrow[] = $row;
// Define censored word matches
$orig_word = array();
$replacement_word = array();
obtain_word_list($orig_word, $replacement_word);
// Censor topic title
if ( count($orig_word) )
$topic_title = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $topic_title);
// Was a highlight request part of the URI?
$highlight_match = $highlight = '';
if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['highlight']))
// Split words and phrases
$words = explode(' ', trim(htmlspecialchars(urldecode($HTTP_GET_VARS['highlight']))));
for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($words); $i++)
if (trim($words[$i]) != '')
$highlight_match .= (($highlight_match != '') ? '|' : '') . str_replace('*', '\w*', phpbb_preg_quote($words[$i], '#'));
$highlight = urlencode($HTTP_GET_VARS['highlight']);
// Post, reply and other URL generation for
// templating vars
$new_topic_url = append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=newtopic&" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id");
$reply_topic_url = append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=reply&" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id");
$view_forum_url = append_sid("viewforum.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id");
$view_prev_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&view=previous");
$view_next_topic_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&view=next");
// Mozilla navigation bar
$nav_links['prev'] = array(
'url' => $view_prev_topic_url,
'title' => $lang['View_previous_topic']
$nav_links['next'] = array(
'url' => $view_next_topic_url,
'title' => $lang['View_next_topic']
$nav_links['up'] = array(
'url' => $view_forum_url,
'title' => $forum_name
$reply_img = ( $forum_topic_data['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED || $forum_topic_data['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ) ? $images['reply_locked'] : $images['reply_new'];
$reply_alt = ( $forum_topic_data['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED || $forum_topic_data['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ) ? $lang['Topic_locked'] : $lang['Reply_to_topic'];
$post_img = ( $forum_topic_data['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED ) ? $images['post_locked'] : $images['post_new'];
$post_alt = ( $forum_topic_data['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED ) ? $lang['Forum_locked'] : $lang['Post_new_topic'];
// Set a cookie for this topic
if ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] )
$tracking_topics = ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_t']) ) ? unserialize($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_t']) : array();
$tracking_forums = ( isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f']) ) ? unserialize($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[$board_config['cookie_name'] . '_f']) : array();
if ( !empty($tracking_topics[$topic_id]) && !empty($tracking_forums[$forum_id]) )
$topic_last_read = ( $tracking_topics[$topic_id] > $tracking_forums[$forum_id] ) ? $tracking_topics[$topic_id] : $tracking_forums[$forum_id];
else if ( !empty($tracking_topics[$topic_id]) || !empty($tracking_forums[$forum_id]) )
$topic_last_read = ( !empty($tracking_topics[$topic_id]) ) ? $tracking_topics[$topic_id] : $tracking_forums[$forum_id];
$topic_last_read = $userdata['user_lastvisit'];
if ( count($tracking_topics) >= 150 && empty($tracking_topics[$topic_id]) )
$tracking_topics[$topic_id] = time();
setcookie($board_config['cookie_name'] . '_t', serialize($tracking_topics), 0, $board_config['cookie_path'], $board_config['cookie_domain'], $board_config['cookie_secure']);
// Load templates
'body' => 'viewtopic_body.tpl')
make_jumpbox('viewforum.'.$phpEx, $forum_id);
// Output page header
$page_title = $lang['View_topic'] .' - ' . $topic_title;
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_header.'.$phpEx);
// User authorisation levels output
$s_auth_can = ( ( $is_auth['auth_post'] ) ? $lang['Rules_post_can'] : $lang['Rules_post_cannot'] ) . '<br />';
$s_auth_can .= ( ( $is_auth['auth_reply'] ) ? $lang['Rules_reply_can'] : $lang['Rules_reply_cannot'] ) . '<br />';
$s_auth_can .= ( ( $is_auth['auth_edit'] ) ? $lang['Rules_edit_can'] : $lang['Rules_edit_cannot'] ) . '<br />';
$s_auth_can .= ( ( $is_auth['auth_delete'] ) ? $lang['Rules_delete_can'] : $lang['Rules_delete_cannot'] ) . '<br />';
$s_auth_can .= ( ( $is_auth['auth_vote'] ) ? $lang['Rules_vote_can'] : $lang['Rules_vote_cannot'] ) . '<br />';
$topic_mod = '';
if ( $is_auth['auth_mod'] )
$s_auth_can .= sprintf($lang['Rules_moderate'], "<a href=\"modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_FORUM_URL . "=$forum_id&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '">', '</a>');
$topic_mod .= "<a href=\"modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=delete&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '"><img src="' . $images['topic_mod_delete'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Delete_topic'] . '" title="' . $lang['Delete_topic'] . '" border="0" /></a> ';
$topic_mod .= "<a href=\"modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=move&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '"><img src="' . $images['topic_mod_move'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Move_topic'] . '" title="' . $lang['Move_topic'] . '" border="0" /></a> ';
$topic_mod .= ( $forum_topic_data['topic_status'] == TOPIC_UNLOCKED ) ? "<a href=\"modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=lock&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '"><img src="' . $images['topic_mod_lock'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Lock_topic'] . '" title="' . $lang['Lock_topic'] . '" border="0" /></a> ' : "<a href=\"modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=unlock&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '"><img src="' . $images['topic_mod_unlock'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Unlock_topic'] . '" title="' . $lang['Unlock_topic'] . '" border="0" /></a> ';
$topic_mod .= "<a href=\"modcp.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&mode=split&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '"><img src="' . $images['topic_mod_split'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Split_topic'] . '" title="' . $lang['Split_topic'] . '" border="0" /></a> ';
// Topic watch information
$s_watching_topic = '';
if ( $can_watch_topic )
if ( $is_watching_topic )
$s_watching_topic = "<a href=\"viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&unwatch=topic&start=$start&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '">' . $lang['Stop_watching_topic'] . '</a>';
$s_watching_topic_img = ( isset($images['topic_un_watch']) ) ? "<a href=\"viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&unwatch=topic&start=$start&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '"><img src="' . $images['topic_un_watch'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Stop_watching_topic'] . '" title="' . $lang['Stop_watching_topic'] . '" border="0"></a>' : '';
$s_watching_topic = "<a href=\"viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&watch=topic&start=$start&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '">' . $lang['Start_watching_topic'] . '</a>';
$s_watching_topic_img = ( isset($images['Topic_watch']) ) ? "<a href=\"viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&watch=topic&start=$start&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'] . '"><img src="' . $images['Topic_watch'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Start_watching_topic'] . '" title="' . $lang['Start_watching_topic'] . '" border="0"></a>' : '';
// If we've got a hightlight set pass it on to pagination,
// I get annoyed when I lose my highlight after the first page.
$pagination = ( $highlight != '' ) ? generate_pagination("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&postdays=$post_days&postorder=$post_order&highlight=$highlight", $total_replies, $board_config['posts_per_page'], $start) : generate_pagination("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&postdays=$post_days&postorder=$post_order", $total_replies, $board_config['posts_per_page'], $start);
// Send vars to template
'FORUM_ID' => $forum_id,
'FORUM_NAME' => $forum_name,
'TOPIC_ID' => $topic_id,
'TOPIC_TITLE' => $topic_title,
'PAGINATION' => $pagination,
'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], ( floor( $start / intval($board_config['posts_per_page']) ) + 1 ), ceil( $total_replies / intval($board_config['posts_per_page']) )),
'POST_IMG' => $post_img,
'REPLY_IMG' => $reply_img,
'L_AUTHOR' => $lang['Author'],
'L_MESSAGE' => $lang['Message'],
'L_POSTED' => $lang['Posted'],
'L_POST_SUBJECT' => $lang['Post_subject'],
'L_VIEW_NEXT_TOPIC' => $lang['View_next_topic'],
'L_VIEW_PREVIOUS_TOPIC' => $lang['View_previous_topic'],
'L_POST_NEW_TOPIC' => $post_alt,
'L_POST_REPLY_TOPIC' => $reply_alt,
'L_BACK_TO_TOP' => $lang['Back_to_top'],
'L_DISPLAY_POSTS' => $lang['Display_posts'],
'L_LOCK_TOPIC' => $lang['Lock_topic'],
'L_UNLOCK_TOPIC' => $lang['Unlock_topic'],
'L_MOVE_TOPIC' => $lang['Move_topic'],
'L_SPLIT_TOPIC' => $lang['Split_topic'],
'L_DELETE_TOPIC' => $lang['Delete_topic'],
'L_GOTO_PAGE' => $lang['Goto_page'],
'S_SELECT_POST_DAYS' => $select_post_days,
'S_SELECT_POST_ORDER' => $select_post_order,
'S_POST_DAYS_ACTION' => append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . '=' . $topic_id . "&start=$start"),
'S_AUTH_LIST' => $s_auth_can,
'S_TOPIC_ADMIN' => $topic_mod,
'S_WATCH_TOPIC' => $s_watching_topic,
'S_WATCH_TOPIC_IMG' => $s_watching_topic_img,
'U_VIEW_TOPIC' => append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&start=$start&postdays=$post_days&postorder=$post_order&highlight=$highlight"),
'U_VIEW_FORUM' => $view_forum_url,
'U_VIEW_OLDER_TOPIC' => $view_prev_topic_url,
'U_VIEW_NEWER_TOPIC' => $view_next_topic_url,
'U_POST_NEW_TOPIC' => $new_topic_url,
'U_POST_REPLY_TOPIC' => $reply_topic_url)
/* BEGIN Quick Reply */
if ($is_auth['auth_reply'] == true)
$quick_reply_img = ( $forum_topic_data['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED || $forum_topic_data['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ) ? $images['reply_locked'] : $images['quick_reply'];
$quick_reply_alt = ( $forum_topic_data['forum_status'] == FORUM_LOCKED || $forum_topic_data['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED ) ? $lang['Topic_locked'] : $lang['Quick_Reply_to_topic'];
if ( !$userdata['session_logged_in'] )
$template->assign_block_vars('switch_username_field', array());
$template->assign_block_vars('quick_reply', array(
'QUOTE_IMG' => $quote_img,
'QUICK_REPLY_IMG' => $quick_reply_img,
'L_QUICK_REPLY_TOPIC' => $quick_reply_alt,
'L_EMPTY_MESSAGE' => $lang['Empty_message'],
'U_QUICK_REPLY' => append_sid('posting.' . $phpEx),
'U_HIDDEN_FORM_FIELDS' => ( ($userdata['user_attachsig'] ? '<input type="hidden" name="attach_sig" value="1" />' : "") . ($userdata['user_notify'] ? '<input type="hidden" name="notify" value="1" />' : "") . '<input type="hidden" name="mode" value="reply" /><input type="hidden" name="post" value="1"><input type="hidden" name="' . POST_TOPIC_URL . '" value="' . $topic_id . '" /> <input type="hidden" name="sid" value="' . $userdata['session_id'] . '" />' )));
/* END Quick Reply */
// Does this topic contain a poll?
if ( !empty($forum_topic_data['topic_vote']) )
$s_hidden_fields = '';
$sql = "SELECT vd.vote_id, vd.vote_text, vd.vote_start, vd.vote_length, vr.vote_option_id, vr.vote_option_text, vr.vote_result
WHERE vd.topic_id = $topic_id
AND vr.vote_id = vd.vote_id
ORDER BY vr.vote_option_id ASC";
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not obtain vote data for this topic", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
if ( $vote_info = $db->sql_fetchrowset($result) )
$vote_options = count($vote_info);
$vote_id = $vote_info[0]['vote_id'];
$vote_title = $vote_info[0]['vote_text'];
$sql = "SELECT vote_id
WHERE vote_id = $vote_id
AND vote_user_id = " . intval($userdata['user_id']);
if ( !($result = $db->sql_query($sql)) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not obtain user vote data for this topic", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
$user_voted = ( $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result) ) ? TRUE : 0;
if ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['vote']) || isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['vote']) )
$view_result = ( ( ( isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['vote']) ) ? $HTTP_GET_VARS['vote'] : $HTTP_POST_VARS['vote'] ) == 'viewresult' ) ? TRUE : 0;
$view_result = 0;
$poll_expired = ( $vote_info[0]['vote_length'] ) ? ( ( $vote_info[0]['vote_start'] + $vote_info[0]['vote_length'] < time() ) ? TRUE : 0 ) : 0;
if ( $user_voted || $view_result || $poll_expired || !$is_auth['auth_vote'] || $forum_topic_data['topic_status'] == TOPIC_LOCKED )
'pollbox' => 'viewtopic_poll_result.tpl')
$vote_results_sum = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $vote_options; $i++)
$vote_results_sum += $vote_info[$i]['vote_result'];
$vote_graphic = 0;
$vote_graphic_max = count($images['voting_graphic']);
for($i = 0; $i < $vote_options; $i++)
$vote_percent = ( $vote_results_sum > 0 ) ? $vote_info[$i]['vote_result'] / $vote_results_sum : 0;
$vote_graphic_length = round($vote_percent * $board_config['vote_graphic_length']);
$vote_graphic_img = $images['voting_graphic'][$vote_graphic];
$vote_graphic = ($vote_graphic < $vote_graphic_max - 1) ? $vote_graphic + 1 : 0;
if ( count($orig_word) )
$vote_info[$i]['vote_option_text'] = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $vote_info[$i]['vote_option_text']);
$template->assign_block_vars("poll_option", array(
'POLL_OPTION_CAPTION' => $vote_info[$i]['vote_option_text'],
'POLL_OPTION_RESULT' => $vote_info[$i]['vote_result'],
'POLL_OPTION_PERCENT' => sprintf("%.1d%%", ($vote_percent * 100)),
'POLL_OPTION_IMG' => $vote_graphic_img,
'POLL_OPTION_IMG_WIDTH' => $vote_graphic_length)
'L_TOTAL_VOTES' => $lang['Total_votes'],
'TOTAL_VOTES' => $vote_results_sum)
'pollbox' => 'viewtopic_poll_ballot.tpl')
for($i = 0; $i < $vote_options; $i++)
if ( count($orig_word) )
$vote_info[$i]['vote_option_text'] = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $vote_info[$i]['vote_option_text']);
$template->assign_block_vars("poll_option", array(
'POLL_OPTION_ID' => $vote_info[$i]['vote_option_id'],
'POLL_OPTION_CAPTION' => $vote_info[$i]['vote_option_text'])
'L_SUBMIT_VOTE' => $lang['Submit_vote'],
'L_VIEW_RESULTS' => $lang['View_results'],
'U_VIEW_RESULTS' => append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id&postdays=$post_days&postorder=$post_order&vote=viewresult"))
$s_hidden_fields = '<input type="hidden" name="topic_id" value="' . $topic_id . '" /><input type="hidden" name="mode" value="vote" />';
if ( count($orig_word) )
$vote_title = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $vote_title);
$s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="sid" value="' . $userdata['session_id'] . '" />';
'POLL_QUESTION' => $vote_title,
'S_HIDDEN_FIELDS' => $s_hidden_fields,
'S_POLL_ACTION' => append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=vote&" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=$topic_id"))
$template->assign_var_from_handle('POLL_DISPLAY', 'pollbox');
// Update the topic view counter
$sql = "UPDATE " . TOPICS_TABLE . "
SET topic_views = topic_views + 1
WHERE topic_id = $topic_id";
if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) )
message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, "Could not update topic views.", '', __LINE__, __FILE__, $sql);
// Okay, let's do the loop, yeah come on baby let's do the loop
// and it goes like this ...
for($i = 0; $i < $total_posts; $i++)
$poster_id = $postrow[$i]['user_id'];
$poster = ( $poster_id == ANONYMOUS ) ? $lang['Guest'] : $postrow[$i]['username'];
$post_date = create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $postrow[$i]['post_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']);
$poster_posts = ( $postrow[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ) ? $lang['Posts'] . ': ' . $postrow[$i]['user_posts'] : '';
$poster_from = ( $postrow[$i]['user_from'] && $postrow[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ) ? $lang['Location'] . ': ' . $postrow[$i]['user_from'] : '';
$poster_joined = ( $postrow[$i]['user_id'] != ANONYMOUS ) ? $lang['Joined'] . ': ' . create_date($lang['DATE_FORMAT'], $postrow[$i]['user_regdate'], $board_config['board_timezone']) : '';
$poster_avatar = '';
if ( $postrow[$i]['user_avatar_type'] && $poster_id != ANONYMOUS && $postrow[$i]['user_allowavatar'] )
switch( $postrow[$i]['user_avatar_type'] )
$poster_avatar = ( $board_config['allow_avatar_upload'] ) ? '<img src="' . $board_config['avatar_path'] . '/' . $postrow[$i]['user_avatar'] . '" alt="" border="0" />' : '';
$poster_avatar = ( $board_config['allow_avatar_remote'] ) ? '<img src="' . $postrow[$i]['user_avatar'] . '" alt="" border="0" />' : '';
$poster_avatar = ( $board_config['allow_avatar_local'] ) ? '<img src="' . $board_config['avatar_gallery_path'] . '/' . $postrow[$i]['user_avatar'] . '" alt="" border="0" />' : '';
#try below with a clear head
// Define the little post icon
if ( $userdata['session_logged_in'] && $postrow[$i]['post_time'] > $userdata['user_lastvisit'] && $postrow[$i]['post_time'] > $topic_last_read )
$mini_post_img = $images['icon_minipost_new'];
$mini_post_alt = $lang['New_post'];
$mini_post_img = $images['icon_minipost'];
$mini_post_alt = $lang['Post'];
$mini_post_url = append_sid("viewtopic.$phpEx?" . POST_POST_URL . '=' . $postrow[$i]['post_id']) . '#' . $postrow[$i]['post_id'];
// Generate ranks, set them to empty string initially.
$poster_rank = '';
$rank_image = '';
if ( $postrow[$i]['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS )
else if ( $postrow[$i]['user_rank'] )
for($j = 0; $j < count($ranksrow); $j++)
if ( $postrow[$i]['user_rank'] == $ranksrow[$j]['rank_id'] && $ranksrow[$j]['rank_special'] )
$poster_rank = $ranksrow[$j]['rank_title'];
$rank_image = ( $ranksrow[$j]['rank_image'] ) ? '<img src="' . $ranksrow[$j]['rank_image'] . '" alt="' . $poster_rank . '" title="' . $poster_rank . '" border="0" /><br />' : '';
for($j = 0; $j < count($ranksrow); $j++)
if ( $postrow[$i]['user_posts'] >= $ranksrow[$j]['rank_min'] && !$ranksrow[$j]['rank_special'] )
$poster_rank = $ranksrow[$j]['rank_title'];
$rank_image = ( $ranksrow[$j]['rank_image'] ) ? '<img src="' . $ranksrow[$j]['rank_image'] . '" alt="' . $poster_rank . '" title="' . $poster_rank . '" border="0" /><br />' : '';
// Handle anon users posting with usernames
if ( $poster_id == ANONYMOUS && $postrow[$i]['post_username'] != '' )
$poster = $postrow[$i]['post_username'];
$poster_rank = $lang['Guest'];
$temp_url = '';
if ( $poster_id != ANONYMOUS )
$temp_url = append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=$poster_id");
$profile_img = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_profile'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Read_profile'] . '" title="' . $lang['Read_profile'] . '" border="0" /></a>';
$profile = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . $lang['Read_profile'] . '</a>';
$temp_url = append_sid("privmsg.$phpEx?mode=post&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=$poster_id");
$pm_img = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_pm'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Send_private_message'] . '" title="' . $lang['Send_private_message'] . '" border="0" /></a>';
$pm = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . $lang['Send_private_message'] . '</a>';
if ( !empty($postrow[$i]['user_viewemail']) || $is_auth['auth_mod'] )
$email_uri = ( $board_config['board_email_form'] ) ? append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=email&" . POST_USERS_URL .'=' . $poster_id) : 'mailto:' . $postrow[$i]['user_email'];
$email_img = '<a href="' . $email_uri . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_email'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Send_email'] . '" title="' . $lang['Send_email'] . '" border="0" /></a>';
$email = '<a href="' . $email_uri . '">' . $lang['Send_email'] . '</a>';
$email_img = '';
$email = '';
$www_img = ( $postrow[$i]['user_website'] ) ? '<a href="' . $postrow[$i]['user_website'] . '" target="_userwww"><img src="' . $images['icon_www'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Visit_website'] . '" title="' . $lang['Visit_website'] . '" border="0" /></a>' : '';
$www = ( $postrow[$i]['user_website'] ) ? '<a href="' . $postrow[$i]['user_website'] . '" target="_userwww">' . $lang['Visit_website'] . '</a>' : '';
if ( !empty($postrow[$i]['user_icq']) )
$icq_status_img = '<a href="' . $postrow[$i]['user_icq'] . '#pager"><img src="' . $postrow[$i]['user_icq'] . '&img=5" width="18" height="18" border="0" /></a>';
$icq_img = '<a href="' . $postrow[$i]['user_icq'] . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_icq'] . '" alt="' . $lang['ICQ'] . '" title="' . $lang['ICQ'] . '" border="0" /></a>';
$icq = '<a href="' . $postrow[$i]['user_icq'] . '">' . $lang['ICQ'] . '</a>';
$icq_status_img = '';
$icq_img = '';
$icq = '';
$aim_img = ( $postrow[$i]['user_aim'] ) ? '<a href="aim:goim?screenname=' . $postrow[$i]['user_aim'] . '&message=Hello+Are+you+there?"><img src="' . $images['icon_aim'] . '" alt="' . $lang['AIM'] . '" title="' . $lang['AIM'] . '" border="0" /></a>' : '';
$aim = ( $postrow[$i]['user_aim'] ) ? '<a href="aim:goim?screenname=' . $postrow[$i]['user_aim'] . '&message=Hello+Are+you+there?">' . $lang['AIM'] . '</a>' : '';
$temp_url = append_sid("profile.$phpEx?mode=viewprofile&" . POST_USERS_URL . "=$poster_id");
$msn_img = ( $postrow[$i]['user_msnm'] ) ? '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_msnm'] . '" alt="' . $lang['MSNM'] . '" title="' . $lang['MSNM'] . '" border="0" /></a>' : '';
$msn = ( $postrow[$i]['user_msnm'] ) ? '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . $lang['MSNM'] . '</a>' : '';
$yim_img = ( $postrow[$i]['user_yim'] ) ? '<a href="' . $postrow[$i]['user_yim'] . '&.src=pg"><img src="' . $images['icon_yim'] . '" alt="' . $lang['YIM'] . '" title="' . $lang['YIM'] . '" border="0" /></a>' : '';
$yim = ( $postrow[$i]['user_yim'] ) ? '<a href="' . $postrow[$i]['user_yim'] . '&.src=pg">' . $lang['YIM'] . '</a>' : '';
$profile_img = '';
$profile = '';
$pm_img = '';
$pm = '';
$email_img = '';
$email = '';
$www_img = '';
$www = '';
$icq_status_img = '';
$icq_img = '';
$icq = '';
$aim_img = '';
$aim = '';
$msn_img = '';
$msn = '';
$yim_img = '';
$yim = '';
$temp_url = append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=quote&" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $postrow[$i]['post_id']);
$quote_img = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_quote'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Reply_with_quote'] . '" title="' . $lang['Reply_with_quote'] . '" border="0" /></a>';
$quote = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . $lang['Reply_with_quote'] . '</a>';
$temp_url = append_sid("search.$phpEx?search_author=" . urlencode($postrow[$i]['username']) . "&showresults=posts");
$search_img = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_search'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Search_user_posts'] . '" title="' . $lang['Search_user_posts'] . '" border="0" /></a>';
$search = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . $lang['Search_user_posts'] . '</a>';
if ( ( $userdata['user_id'] == $poster_id && $is_auth['auth_edit'] ) || $is_auth['auth_mod'] )
$temp_url = append_sid("posting.$phpEx?mode=editpost&" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $postrow[$i]['post_id']);
$edit_img = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_edit'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Edit_delete_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['Edit_delete_post'] . '" border="0" /></a>';
$edit = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . $lang['Edit_delete_post'] . '</a>';
$edit_img = '';
$edit = '';
if ( $is_auth['auth_mod'] )
$temp_url = "modcp.$phpEx?mode=ip&" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $postrow[$i]['post_id'] . "&" . POST_TOPIC_URL . "=" . $topic_id . "&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'];
$ip_img = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_ip'] . '" alt="' . $lang['View_IP'] . '" title="' . $lang['View_IP'] . '" border="0" /></a>';
$ip = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . $lang['View_IP'] . '</a>';
$temp_url = "posting.$phpEx?mode=delete&" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $postrow[$i]['post_id'] . "&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'];
$delpost_img = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_delpost'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Delete_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['Delete_post'] . '" border="0" /></a>';
$delpost = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . $lang['Delete_post'] . '</a>';
$ip_img = '';
$ip = '';
if ( $userdata['user_id'] == $poster_id && $is_auth['auth_delete'] && $forum_topic_data['topic_last_post_id'] == $postrow[$i]['post_id'] )
$temp_url = "posting.$phpEx?mode=delete&" . POST_POST_URL . "=" . $postrow[$i]['post_id'] . "&sid=" . $userdata['session_id'];
$delpost_img = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '"><img src="' . $images['icon_delpost'] . '" alt="' . $lang['Delete_post'] . '" title="' . $lang['Delete_post'] . '" border="0" /></a>';
$delpost = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . $lang['Delete_post'] . '</a>';
$delpost_img = '';
$delpost = '';
$post_subject = ( $postrow[$i]['post_subject'] != '' ) ? $postrow[$i]['post_subject'] : '';
$message = $postrow[$i]['post_text'];
$bbcode_uid = $postrow[$i]['bbcode_uid'];
$user_sig = ( $postrow[$i]['enable_sig'] && $postrow[$i]['user_sig'] != '' && $board_config['allow_sig'] ) ? $postrow[$i]['user_sig'] : '';
$user_sig_bbcode_uid = $postrow[$i]['user_sig_bbcode_uid'];
// Note! The order used for parsing the message _is_ important, moving things around could break any
// output
// If the board has HTML off but the post has HTML
// on then we process it, else leave it alone
if ( !$board_config['allow_html'] )
if ( $user_sig != '' && $userdata['user_allowhtml'] )
$user_sig = preg_replace('#(<)([\/]?.*?)(>)#is', "<\\2>", $user_sig);
if ( $postrow[$i]['enable_html'] )
$message = preg_replace('#(<)([\/]?.*?)(>)#is', "<\\2>", $message);
// Parse message and/or sig for BBCode if reqd
if ( $board_config['allow_bbcode'] )
if ( $user_sig != '' && $user_sig_bbcode_uid != '' )
$user_sig = ( $board_config['allow_bbcode'] ) ? bbencode_second_pass($user_sig, $user_sig_bbcode_uid) : preg_replace('/\:[0-9a-z\:]+\]/si', ']', $user_sig);
if ( $bbcode_uid != '' )
$message = ( $board_config['allow_bbcode'] ) ? bbencode_second_pass($message, $bbcode_uid) : preg_replace('/\:[0-9a-z\:]+\]/si', ']', $message);
if ( $user_sig != '' )
$user_sig = make_clickable($user_sig);
$message = make_clickable($message);
// Parse smilies
if ( $board_config['allow_smilies'] )
if ( $postrow[$i]['user_allowsmile'] && $user_sig != '' )
$user_sig = smilies_pass($user_sig);
if ( $postrow[$i]['enable_smilies'] )
$message = smilies_pass($message);
// Highlight active words (primarily for search)
if ($highlight_match)
// This was shamelessly 'borrowed' from volker at multiartstudio dot de
// via's annotated manual
$message = str_replace('\"', '"', substr(preg_replace('#(\>(((?>([^><]+|(?R)))*)\<))#se', "preg_replace('#\b(" . $highlight_match . ")\b#i', '<span style=\"color:#" . $theme['fontcolor3'] . "\"><b>\\\\1</b></span>', '\\0')", '>' . $message . '<'), 1, -1));
// Replace naughty words
if (count($orig_word))
$post_subject = preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $post_subject);
if ($user_sig != '')
$user_sig = str_replace('\"', '"', substr(preg_replace('#(\>(((?>([^><]+|(?R)))*)\<))#se', "preg_replace(\$orig_word, \$replacement_word, '\\0')", '>' . $user_sig . '<'), 1, -1));
$message = str_replace('\"', '"', substr(preg_replace('#(\>(((?>([^><]+|(?R)))*)\<))#se', "preg_replace(\$orig_word, \$replacement_word, '\\0')", '>' . $message . '<'), 1, -1));
// Replace newlines (we use this rather than nl2br because
// till recently it wasn't XHTML compliant)
if ( $user_sig != '' )
$user_sig = '<br />_________________<br />' . str_replace("\n", "\n<br />\n", $user_sig);
$message = str_replace("\n", "\n<br />\n", $message);
// Editing information
if ( $postrow[$i]['post_edit_count'] )
$l_edit_time_total = ( $postrow[$i]['post_edit_count'] == 1 ) ? $lang['Edited_time_total'] : $lang['Edited_times_total'];
$l_edited_by = '<br /><br />' . sprintf($l_edit_time_total, $poster, create_date($board_config['default_dateformat'], $postrow[$i]['post_edit_time'], $board_config['board_timezone']), $postrow[$i]['post_edit_count']);
$l_edited_by = '';
// Again this will be handled by the templating
// code at some point
$row_color = ( !($i % 2) ) ? $theme['td_color1'] : $theme['td_color2'];
$row_class = ( !($i % 2) ) ? $theme['td_class1'] : $theme['td_class2'];
$template->assign_block_vars('postrow', array(
'ROW_COLOR' => '#' . $row_color,
'ROW_CLASS' => $row_class,
'POSTER_NAME' => $poster,
'POSTER_RANK' => $poster_rank,
'RANK_IMAGE' => $rank_image,
'POSTER_JOINED' => $poster_joined,
'POSTER_POSTS' => $poster_posts,
'POSTER_FROM' => $poster_from,
# 'POSTER_AVATAR' => $poster_avatar,
'POSTER_AVATAR' => '3.gif',
'POST_DATE' => $post_date,
'POST_SUBJECT' => $post_subject,
'MESSAGE' => $message,
'SIGNATURE' => $user_sig,
'EDITED_MESSAGE' => $l_edited_by,
'MINI_POST_IMG' => $mini_post_img,
'PROFILE_IMG' => $profile_img,
'PROFILE' => $profile,
'SEARCH_IMG' => $search_img,
'SEARCH' => $search,
'PM_IMG' => $pm_img,
'PM' => $pm,
'EMAIL_IMG' => $email_img,
'EMAIL' => $email,
'WWW_IMG' => $www_img,
'WWW' => $www,
'ICQ_STATUS_IMG' => $icq_status_img,
'ICQ_IMG' => $icq_img,
'ICQ' => $icq,
'AIM_IMG' => $aim_img,
'AIM' => $aim,
'MSN_IMG' => $msn_img,
'MSN' => $msn,
'YIM_IMG' => $yim_img,
'YIM' => $yim,
'EDIT_IMG' => $edit_img,
'EDIT' => $edit,
'QUOTE_IMG' => $quote_img,
'QUOTE' => $quote,
'IP_IMG' => $ip_img,
'IP' => $ip,
'DELETE_IMG' => $delpost_img,
'DELETE' => $delpost,
'L_MINI_POST_ALT' => $mini_post_alt,
'U_MINI_POST' => $mini_post_url,
'U_POST_ID' => $postrow[$i]['post_id'])
include($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/page_tail.'.$phpEx);
thanks for any help!!!!!! I do have the sessions id mod installed - can that be it?