Well if you don't want to know I can't make you answer. I just really hope it doesn't happen to you.
tryingtohelp wrote:tryingtohelp wrote:I read that.
Seriously for a moment besides the one I am talking about is a phone one.
You know why I never became an EA foloz?
This is really getting people even smart people. I was told about it. It is clever I have to admit that- the phone one.
What kind of scam are you referring to?
I learn a lot from reading, watching, listening, and most important observing
that is why. No secret. That is it.
Oh yeah I like to learn too.
Are you going to toy with me? It is really getting old.
Yes you and that gun one jamming that was good I liked it.
You want to know T? or whoever
Why? I already said I did.
Ox, did you get any new work?
Toot-toot or Unkie are you guys still here?
Flumoxed wrote:Toot-toot or Unkie are you guys still here?
Yep, still floating in and out.
unclelarry wrote:Ox, did you get any new work?
Things are lookin' much better than on Monday ... and I won't have to work for a prick ... talk about turns of fortune!
You called me sweetie you know I am a sucker for words like that
Flumoxed wrote:unclelarry wrote:Ox, did you get any new work?
Things are lookin' much better than on Monday ... and I won't have to work for a prick ... talk about turns of fortune!

Good things come to good people.