tryingtohelp wrote:I thought Labor Day aren't you suppose to get that day off.
So, I made the prizes silver bullion. Not much limited income for a voluntary org. anyway I made it trivia.

Is this how you got all your Marlboro answers?

It was short multiple choice all dealing with the US. Most people played.
I tried not to make like impossible the fact was I was lazy and only wanted to come up with one game. Guess who won. An adult or a kid?
i'm guessing a kid and horse what does WOP stand for?
I was impressed the kid won. What's better thoh......
Way back when the ppl would come to the US at Elis Island and their papers were not in order they would stamp on there 4head WOP
His sister also a kid and him too wanted to know the value. I picked out just a silver round so someone would not/could not spend it a dollar.
Silver = 12+ at the time. His sister says you gonna get the 12+ and this kid (guy btw) said no he was going to keep it and see how the stock market goes. Smart Kid
Me= inellible (sp?) to play (conflict of interest) hardly got any right.
Hubby did not know what it was he just said thats what his dad called it so thats what he called it. Then I seen the TV show and boom. There it was lol
I have heard of that Island only because people ask my older sister if she
came through there.
horsefarm wrote:toots3928 wrote:i'm guessing a kid and horse what does WOP stand for?
WOP = With Out Papers.
We used to tell a friend of ours that was italian that it was the sound s*** made when it hit the wall.
Me= idiot can't remember most holiday's
except turkey day is on a Thursday. Easter is Sunday. The 4th is on the 4th.
I really don't keep track. I already had to ask someone what today is.
horsefarm wrote:toots3928 wrote:horsefarm wrote:toots3928 wrote:i'm guessing a kid and horse what does WOP stand for?
WOP = With Out Papers.
cheese without papers?
PPL without papers
ok, for some reason you guys lost me on this one!!!!
TTH you know thats why when our kids ask us a question we tell um to look it up. Its not cuz we want them to learn its cuz we are a bunch of dumb a**s
toots3928 wrote:horsefarm wrote:toots3928 wrote:horsefarm wrote:toots3928 wrote:i'm guessing a kid and horse what does WOP stand for?
WOP = With Out Papers.
cheese without papers?
PPL without papers
ok, for some reason you guys lost me on this one!!!!

And what's surprising about that.
Hey....who said that?
I lost last freaking Friday. I could not believe it. It is on the riddle thread.
thoh kept telling me it was Saturday and I didn't believe him. I said it was Friday. back and forth back and forth until I picked up the phone called my parents and asked them.
It was SATURDAY I LOST Friday. I thought I was going to rmaolotf