btw I had a great sleep yesterday.
I was just joking with you skuncle
Flumoxed wrote:I've been alone in the dark before.
When I was in my late teens I decided to drive up to the mtns for an overnight fishing trip. Hiked in about five miles to the stream and found a nice spot to make camp ... no tent, so it was truly under the stars. That was one of the most incredible experiences I've ever had. Had something to eat and with nothing else to do I tried to go to sleep. I was at least 50 miles from the nearest town of any size, so no lights to obscure the view of the stars and it was a completely cloudless nite. The view was like the pictures you see of the galaxies ... stars that normally aren't visible were suddenly neon bright. The coyotes weren't happy that I was in their house, so they howled all nite long. Several other critters that came to check out the new smell ... never got close enough to tell what they were. Shooting stars looked liked space shuttle launches ... someday I'd like to do that again.

sounds awesome oxie! next time you go take me with you!!!!
heck i'll even bring my scope!
For #99 I had Big Star Diner. This used to be the Blue Water Diner. The main reason I chose this instead of Andy's Truckee Diner was that I found a newspaper article about the Blue Water Diner that had "Movable Feast" in the title.
For #100 I had Bannack, MT.
Hey Tootsie, you gonna stay for a while? :wink:
Why to play games?
You like games?
i'm gonna be multi tasking but i'll still be here!
i like playing games!

not "head" games, just games
What did you think I meant?
I like that show, haven't you seen it?
i have seen the show. i like it too. i like playing all sorts of games. what about you?
Of course not head games toot toot you know I do not like that.
No point to it.
You like Texas hold'em poker?
That is my favorite. I hardly play, I watch on tv. I learn by watching.
I don't gamble normally except Reno, Vegas and once at a Texas Hold'em
Poker Game where they needed another body. They did not care who,
just an additional player.
TTH, if you don't mind I would like to digress slightly from your topic. I watched a new show on Fox last night called "Are you smarter than a 5th grader". When I started watching I thought it might be fun to watch, but the more I watched the more depressed I got. The first contestant could not answer the first 3 questions correctly. He was a lawyer who graduated from UCLA with American Histoty as his major.
The first question, which they said was a 1st grade social studies question, was "In which month do we celebrate Columbus Day?". HE MISSED IT!!!!!
tryingtohelp wrote:Of course not head games toot toot you know I do not like that.
No point to it.
You like Texas hold'em poker?
i won 40 bucks playing that last weekend!!!!