I lost my pm rights
toots3928 wrote:just because i like the country doesn't mean that i have to like guns. I've known lots of country folks that don't like guns, but you're the first I've met that fear them.
just because i like the country doesn't mean that i have to like guns.
Catch up time. Mornin' {{{{{Unkie}}}}} ... just this once for the ladies here! :wink:
Wow you are good. What about what type of caliber for a say Paraordinance 45?
You have to ask I broke a rule, damn rules
you still got email rights??? or do I have to send a pigeon with a note strapped to it leg
Now what is acp? a (starts with c) personality? I hate to even ask.
tryingtohelp wrote:Wow you are good. What about what type of caliber for a say Paraordinance 45?.45?
Mornin peeps. Trot by horse here. I gotta hit the shower and go to the DR. but wanted to stop in and say howdy.