Flumoxed wrote:Morning {{{{TTH}}}}
You play with those other folks more than us these days.

The reason I go there is because of the problems posted. There is a mix of the type. There is usually a math one on there and also a riddle or
even trivia type.
It is challenging and I like to keep up on my learning. More times than not, the math is calculus or higher (I think). I don't know how to do that. I only took basic algebra. So, sometimes I can do the problems and sometimes I can't but, I try to learn from the answers.
It is not that I prefer "those folks" over you guys. In fact there is usually no one there this early. I hardly ever run into anyone on there at the same time I am there so I am not conversing with anyone like here.
You should know fluoz I am not fickle or at least you should. That is why
I am here first instead of there. :wink:
Skuncle I am doing fine. I just have a lot I have to get done today.
Flumoxed wrote:Naw, I think her spirit has been crushed! Can't seem to get her fired up like in the past.

Crush my spirit? Are you sure you are talking to me?
Fired up huh. Like in fighting fire.