Mornin' Red, how's it going today?
See ya later Coon.
Time for me to run, ya'll take care. Daughter's over for spring break. :wink:
Morning Ox.
After yesterday I would think that the only place it will be shown is on very late night cable.
unclelarry wrote:Mornin' Red, how's it going today?
See ya later Coon.
It's going and that's about it.
Thanks for asking uncle, and how are you?
bigredsshop wrote:Time for me to run, ya'll take care. Daughter's over for spring break. :wink:
You must have seen me coming so you are running off
Morning skuncle
I am kind of in and out (I am working on the computer in a word doc.) due to one pissed off partner!!!!
Sorry morning coon.
Everybody want's to be a wisecracker early morning :wink:
Yeah Uncle, I remember the pissed off partners, they never liked being being at the bad end of failure.
Sometime Machine abuse just kills it.
You caught that edit bigred
I was in the middle of one more but
too slow.
bye coon
Bigred, what do you mean failure
ttfn bigred
Good morning (((((TTH))))), you're up early today darlin'.
Asked you guys to do this ... guess I'll have to do it myself!
Don't forget, hollering WOO HOO !!!!!
Flumoxed wrote:Asked you guys to do this ... guess I'll have to do it myself!
Thinking she had a lotta dreams last night, WOO HOO !!!!
And talk and talk and talk.....
Here's last weeks commercial: Hello folks, i have a Boudreaux, Thibodeax special, i have me a donkey. Boy but this is no donkey, this is a mule. A kawasaki 600 mule with only 131 hours on it. It eats no grass and drinks no water. You can carry a load on its back instead of your arms, for $4995 you can take it home and it will have you saying HEEEE HAAAAAW !!!! All with a coonass accent.. It was funny as all get out.. hahahaha
Mornin peeps. I was on the road all day yesterday and its gonna be a busy one today to. But first I have to cook my pork chops hehe. How is everyone?
Morning {{{{Horsie}}}} do you get Coon's commercials up in your area?