You don't seem very sneaky, Snood...
Somehow we believe you, snood.
Snood is military and I work for the federal government. Both of us would have noticed illegal activities by now. I can't believe TTH is talking like this.
Hi everybody! I just found this thread and read through the entire thing. I'm not here out of pure curiosity and nosiness but to understand better what is going on. When I first posted here about a very sensitive matter that I am highly ashamed of, I posted because I was in fact too ashamed to talk to people that I know on a personal level. Some of the initial responses I felt were slams and it took me a while to get to know some of your personalities. Now I'm aware of who is just being humorous by making smart alecky remarks. I have also learned that this is somewhere that I can come to obtain some very valuable advice from people that I have respected opinions of.
I too am trying to figure out what happened and if it was from a thread I have been involved with. At first I thought it was about a first timer but it is becoming evident that it is not.
It was also painful to read the back and forths from someone trying to get in the last word. I can go upstairs and get that from my kids, thank you very much.
Jane, quit sending me private messages.
Well, I dunno if my particular mode of employment would make me more sensitive to signs of being surveiled or not, but I definitely smell a huge horseshyt pie re: this TTH thing.
Yeah, like "mah-jongg"! <broad wink>
Marty, this thread took a big turn, or dive, if you will.
Most of it was about a member being hurt by comments on a personal thread, and then, another person took it to be all about her, and that worked with her river of diatribe against a third member, not all so old, but respected.
Consider the book, and then the movie...
Presently, we're dallying with absurdity.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Jane, quit sending me private messages.

You didn't object to the first 10 naughty messages,
and now that I am talking committment, you're dissing me.
You, you....swamp macho!
CalamityJane wrote:gustavratzenhofer wrote:Jane, quit sending me private messages.

You didn't object to the first 10 naughty messages,
and now that I am talking committment, you're dissing me.
You, you....swamp macho!
ok, you can still send them, but add some steam, will ya?
snood wrote:Me, too. I'm an undercover snitch too. Fear me. Bwahhhahahahahahaaa!
Who would make a better underground snitch than I?
And all these years you never noticed.....
Just a harmwess bunny wabbit, that's what you all thought....
Mame wrote:... if it looks like a duck, talks like a duck, and walks like a duck - it probably IS a duck.
No, not necessarily. Didn't you know that there has been alien life forms with us on this planet since the '50s?
Reyn- Is your new avatar a secret signal?
martybarker wrote:... read through the entire thing. ...
Hmm, bet when you have a bag of chips, you can't stop until you get the last one. :wink:
Phoenix32890 wrote:Reyn- Is your new avatar a secret signal?
Everybody keeps telling me they're seeing double?
[scratches head]
I only see one.......
Oy, I leave to watch a movie and come back to a better show than the one I was watching ~~ shoulda stayed here to begin with.
Who's got the popcorn?