Re: Empathy, Compassion, and "Walking in Another's Shoe
Phoenix32890 wrote:
IMO, one of the great strengths of A2K is that we are able to "bare our souls" to other mature adults, with the expectation that our feelings are treated with respect. We have all gone through personal dilemmas, and the more mature and compassionate amongst us realize that there is no "one size fits all" answer to a problem. Also, I believe that thinking people should never use a sensitive personal situation to attack a person when the attacker is angry about something totally unrelated to the issue at hand. It is mean. It is cruel, and it is childish.
One of the things that separate A2K from many other forums is the mature, thoughtful compassion and empathy that is demonstrated by the vast majority of its members. I think that it is important that we all work to maintain those high standards.
What do you all think?
Agreed. It is still so.
Learning about recent incidents --and apparently cases where people have taken cheap shots in the past as well -- makes me personally appreciate the overall sense of decency that many show here. Consistently.
You either do or you don't and the wheat is seperated from the chaff in time.
Let's just keep positive. Dys is a positive here. Those who defended him when he was being treated unfairly are a positive.
I personally have revealed some of my own soul here and know I am not immune to being hurt.
It is nothing I couldn't take, though, and I have faith that Dys is similiar that way.
He seems to me to be a man of deep feeling - but not made of glass.
His post took a lot of courage and honesty, and I respect him for that.
It was opportunistic to use that to speak unkindly. Like shooting someone when their back is turned.
Integrity will always win. Dys's signature line sums it up well.
I have learned a lot about integrity here. It may be a strange medium we relate to on here but we are still all human beings through and through.
If you come on A2K be prepared to stand behind your words! That is for sure. People are deligent here, for good or ill, and generally quite sharp.
It is something I like about the place and I don't think that has changed.