Oh, circles and circles...
So, I've figured out all the connections except whether or not one topic was started in an attempt to soften ones image.
If so, I now understand the responses. At the time I initially read it I thought others were being a bit harsh, so I came in with something a little more light hearted.
Funny thing is that now my comment about
the pup being uncomfortable showing his underbelly has a different meaning.
I guess it's all context and knowing each others personalities over time here. I can't take seriously any dig or hatefulness posted here towards me. I was once hurt deeply by a poster I liked on Abuzz, but can't think of it having happened here. I think, as I think Phoenix pointed out earlier, it's an age thing. After a certain age / level one understands that people come from all walks of life and carry tons of baggage. I refuse to carry any one elses baggage for them, and wouldn't ask anyone to carry mine. I try to teach the kids this lesson by pointing out that no one else defines them - they have to define themselves. Kinda like the old schoolyard chant about what you say bounces off me and sticks to you.
Right now someone here is wearing some major crap from those that don't allow his slingings to stick.

There's a happy thought for ya, Dys.