Wed 21 Feb, 2007 07:40 pm
I have sent four e-mails to a particular overseas U.S consulate over a period of one week and have yet to receive a reply. As a U.S citizen, taxpayer, and veteran I have to say that I am less then thrilled with this consulate's "service". Could you please tell me which agencies or individuals I might contact who could remind the individuals at the consulate responsible for their non-response that their tactic might be a tad unprofessional?
Try bringing your concerns to the attention of your US Congressional Representative and your US Senator. Their contact details should be available somewhere on your state's official web pages, and also will be available at the official, dot-gov, websites for the US House and the US Senate.
Consulates are different from Embassies, which have full time State Dept staff. A US consul is usually a part time or unpaid US citizen living in the country concerned who has another full time job. Maybe you should try to be patient, Mr Self Important Veteran
There are consulates with US fulltime and parttime personal (as well as others), anf there are honourary consulates with non-US citizen heading them.
All are supervised by the accredited US-embassador to that country (who might be in a different one).
To that embassy I would address my complains at first, perhaps in copy to the State department.
4 emails in one week. I think you should give it more time. Also did you consider sending a certified letter so you know it was delivered. Before complaining make sure they received your emails. Maybe they did not so you might be complaining about something they are not aware of.