I have to say that the movie was B E A U T I F U L .
And I have never seen so many beautiful half naked men in my life. This is one of the first movies that I have seen where the MEN were 1/2 dressed and sexy most of the time and not the women.
On that note...
I call 300
" A heavy metal music video with lots of fighting, beautiful screen shots and tons of blood. No plot, so substitute that with some skin for good measure and you have 300"
This movie is quite the serious piece of eye candy.
Eye candy being beautiful land scapes.
Fabulous outfits.
Dramatic fight scenes sprinkled with thunderous music.
Beautiful people with forceful words offer little substance compared to the sheer beauty of this film.
As I said, there is no plot.
I mean, it is based on a comic book.. so you cant expect too much.. .
But what plot there is goes something like this :
Spartans get mad, seek religious advice
300 Spartans go to war, against religious advice
300 Spartans kill ALOT of people...
People attack Spartans again
A few less then 300 Spartans kill again
Undead people attack
Spartans kill again
-Insert goofball human here who thinks he is a God -
Spartans try to kill him
Don't succeed.
End of story
Kill, try to kill, then kill some more. Simple plot.
Great scenes, good acting.
But if you truly think you want to see this movie please Don't waste your time and rent it.
You lose the eye candy completely and you will be left with a bare bones rather simple plot. Since this movie was produced simply FOR eye candy, do give it that it deserves and see it on the big screen. HA!
No home TV system can carry this movie as it should be carried.
Well worth the visual enjoyment, but don't expect the plot to to truly move you farther then the impressive cinematography will.