Petless and Not Liking It

Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 01:47 am
Roberta, hi. I get that. I've had pets since I could breathe and shortly go nuts without one. To be with a creature, I've even gone so far as to 'adopt' cows in a nearby pasture. Less extreme is fostering and having a frog and fish in my old apartment.
I won't push anything but I can say that my experience of fostering was wonderful. Yes, very hard to let go. But at the same time, how cool is it to see your little baby (it becomes your baby lol) united with a family. It was a good lesson for this girl.

You'll come to your own good decision when you are good and ready, we all know it. It's not easy losing a pet and we all grieve differently.
Plus, you have some special considerations for taking in a new baby that are real.
They are real but if you do decide at some point to have a pet, you'll find a way.

I do get the worry over vet bills, and generally the whole monetary and long term care factor. I recently lost my Chubbs and went through an internal battle about it.
There came a time when I decided it was best to euthanize. The decision wasn't based on money when the time came - because looking at her I realized I would do what I had to do to provide her with whatever was the best.
In her situation, I do feel I made the right decision. But it was hard. I have carried guilt about it and been working it through.
And I know I would carry guilt if I had chosen differently too - when it comes to them (I have one other cat, Essa) priorities fall in line real fast. About what is truly important.
It just isn't easy when a pet gets sick. Period.

Whatever you choose, Roberta, you have such a beautiful giving heart that is such a gift to any critter that is lucky enough to be around you!
It almost seems a waste that you are petless. But I guess that means more for us peoples for right now and that is cool too. Smile
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Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 01:48 am
Can't think of a solution...but bugger.


Meese and rats really only live a couple of years, and then they die.

Usually sans drama. They just stop.

I HAVE taken meese to a vet......only to find out they need vitamins.

They are pretty vetless, in general.

But I know it is the "in general" that gets you.

Rats are great pets, apparently...smart and affectionate.

They have a tail problem as far as I am concerned, though.

No squiggles you could tame, but leave free living?

Squiggles are great.

Looked up the parrots of Telegraph Street?

They stayed free.....but...
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Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 03:30 am
msolga wrote:
I'll try, Roberta. Really I will! It's hard, though ....

But you haven't said a word about labradoodles! After I posted it so many times, too! Is this because it's a silly name or because it's a ridulous suggestion?

Yes, I did respond, msolga. Was it between post three and four or immediately after four? Had to be after four. Go back and look. If you don't want to take the chance of going back and getting errored out, I'll summarize what I said.

I know about hypoallergenic animals. They would be fine for my allergies. BUT THEY GET SICK. I CAN'T AFFORD VET BILLS.

flushd, Thanks for your kind words. They made me (and I still am) all weepy because they made me think of Mikey. Many people told me that no one else would have kept him. He had some behavioral problems that I tolerated. As impatient as I am with humans, I can put up with a lot from an animal. I miss him. Maybe that's the crux of the problem. Not another pet, but that pet. I'm not finished grieving.

Knowing this doesn't change the fundamental issues--vet bills and allergies. But maybe I'll be able to view things more rationally after a bit more time goes by.

Deb querida, I know that rats are supposed to make wonderful pets. I don't know if I could do it though. I have an insane fear of mice. Wouldn't that apply to rats as well? Why don't I know? Cuz I never saw a rat run across the floor.

Should I know what a squiggle is? I don't.

Missing Mikey. As far as missing is concerned, how you doin', deb?
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Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 03:34 am
Roberta wrote:
msolga wrote:
I'll try, Roberta. Really I will! It's hard, though ....

But you haven't said a word about labradoodles! After I posted it so many times, too! Is this because it's a silly name or because it's a ridulous suggestion?

Yes, I did respond, msolga. Was it between post three and four or immediately after four? Had to be after four. Go back and look. If you don't want to take the chance of going back and getting errored out, I'll summarize what I said.

I know about hypoallergenic animals. They would be fine for my allergies. BUT THEY GET SICK. I CAN'T AFFORD VET BILLS.

They do? Labradoodles?

Damn, damn, damn!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 03:52 am
msolga wrote:
Roberta wrote:
msolga wrote:
I'll try, Roberta. Really I will! It's hard, though ....

But you haven't said a word about labradoodles! After I posted it so many times, too! Is this because it's a silly name or because it's a ridulous suggestion?

Yes, I did respond, msolga. Was it between post three and four or immediately after four? Had to be after four. Go back and look. If you don't want to take the chance of going back and getting errored out, I'll summarize what I said.

I know about hypoallergenic animals. They would be fine for my allergies. BUT THEY GET SICK. I CAN'T AFFORD VET BILLS.

They do? Labradoodles?

Damn, damn, damn!

Even if I found the picture of health, msolga, I'd still have to walk a labradoodle. I can't walk much.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 06:03 am
Roberta wrote:
msolga wrote:
I'll try, Roberta. Really I will! It's hard, though ....

But you haven't said a word about labradoodles! After I posted it so many times, too! Is this because it's a silly name or because it's a ridulous suggestion?

Yes, I did respond, msolga. Was it between post three and four or immediately after four? Had to be after four. Go back and look. If you don't want to take the chance of going back and getting errored out, I'll summarize what I said.

I know about hypoallergenic animals. They would be fine for my allergies. BUT THEY GET SICK. I CAN'T AFFORD VET BILLS.

flushd, Thanks for your kind words. They made me (and I still am) all weepy because they made me think of Mikey. Many people told me that no one else would have kept him. He had some behavioral problems that I tolerated. As impatient as I am with humans, I can put up with a lot from an animal. I miss him. Maybe that's the crux of the problem. Not another pet, but that pet. I'm not finished grieving.

Knowing this doesn't change the fundamental issues--vet bills and allergies. But maybe I'll be able to view things more rationally after a bit more time goes by.

Deb querida, I know that rats are supposed to make wonderful pets. I don't know if I could do it though. I have an insane fear of mice. Wouldn't that apply to rats as well? Why don't I know? Cuz I never saw a rat run across the floor.

Should I know what a squiggle is? I don't.

Missing Mikey. As far as missing is concerned, how you doin', deb?




is a squiggle!

Missing? I be fine.
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Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 06:08 am
A squiggle is a squirrel. Live and loin. Who knew. Thanks.
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Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 07:11 am

Your visitors look as though they are waiting for some substantial refreshments.


You are right. It is impossible to housebreak a turtle. Thunder entered our lives shortly after the First Mr. Noddy moved out. He wanted a bohemian life and an immaculately clean house and was quite abusive about both ambitions.

Letting Thunder roam was therapy.


I've always had a soft spot for mourning doves in the springtime when the voice of the turtle is heard in the land. Are the stand-ins for turtledoves cooing in your neighborhood yet?

I repeat, what about pet sitting on occasional weekends?
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Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 07:13 am
Occasional overnight fostering would be too much of an emotional involvement?


I can't decide if I'm too much of a wuss or too cold-hearted or both, but I can't resist a stray needing a temporary home, and I can give them up with a happy heart knowing they've gone to a good 'forever' home.

I am violently, hospital-trip-needing, allergic to cats - but I still bring 'em in from the cold/from under the porch, take 'em to a vet, get them sorted out, and find them new homes.

Of course, it usually takes about a month to recover medically <shrug>, but I can't stop myself.
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Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 10:47 am
You are a wonder, Beth.

Roberta, this has happened to me before too where I just wanted to kvetch and the solutions came rolling in. When I want a solution, I'll ask for a solution. When I want to kvetch, I want to kvetch. I know it's done out of love but I'm sensing some frustration from you in the repeated demurrals so thought I'd say something.

Sucks not having a pet, for sure. <plops down on couch next to Roberta, shakes head ruefully>
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Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 10:54 am
I had a pet frog when I was around the age of twelve. One day I put a bullet between its eyes and cut its legs off and threw them in the frying pan.

The legs were delicious and I spent about twenty minutes digging around in the weeds, where I had tossed the rest of the frog, but I never did find the body.

Why just the legs? Isn't the frog cavity just as delectable?

I digress.

His name was Fred.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 11:29 am
Welcome a cat or dog into your home and get kisses and money in return! ......

...Successful candidates should meet the following qualifications:

1. Live in Manhattan below 96th Street.

2. Not travel often.

3. Live in a pet friendly building and be the leaseholder or owner.

4. Have a clean, attractive and well-kept apartment.

5. Have a computer, land line and cell phone.

6. Be able to provide business references.

7. Have had a dog or cat of your own during your adult life.

8. Most importantly, must TRULY love animals!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 12:21 pm
That's a great idea, ul.

We also have "pet daycare" here, where a dog is brought to someone
from 9 - 5 while its masters are working, and Fiffy needs some attention.
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Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 02:31 pm
Thanks, soz, Smile

I'm allergic to cats and don't want to lose the new breathing ability I'm experiencing by getting another one--temporarily or permanently.

I can't walk a dog.

beth, I don't know whether an overnight stay would be too upsetting for me or not. Maybe I'll investigate in a while. Thanks for the suggestion.

I started this thread because I was having a difficult time accepting the idea that I would never again have a warm-blooded animal as a pet--a live-in roomie, a constant companion. Although I appreciate all the suggestions, nothing has changed.
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Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2007 06:24 pm
Roberta wrote:
Thanks, soz, Smile

I'm allergic to cats and don't want to lose the new breathing ability I'm experiencing by getting another one--temporarily or permanently.

I can't walk a dog.

beth, I don't know whether an overnight stay would be too upsetting for me or not. Maybe I'll investigate in a while. Thanks for the suggestion.

I started this thread because I was having a difficult time accepting the idea that I would never again have a warm-blooded animal as a pet--a live-in roomie, a constant companion. Although I appreciate all the suggestions, nothing has changed.

So you just want support in your grief, not incessant suggestions?

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Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2007 02:02 am
dlowan wrote:

So you just want support in your grief, not incessant suggestions?


That's about the size of it, kid. I reread my opening post just to make sure I didn't say anything that might have mislead people. Nope. I'm going through a difficult period of adjustment. Dealing with Mikey's absence and the idea of being petless.

Like I said earlier, just doing a bit of whining and kvetching. Had a conversation with a friend about the subject earlier today. She has an oldish cat and has decided not to get another pet. She's already tense about the idea. We commiserated.

Thanks for the hug, kid.

And I am grateful for folks jumping in and trying to help. Da pipples here is da best.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2007 07:25 am
I guess it's almost impossible to imagine you petless, Roberta, & we keep trying to think of viable ways to remedy this unfortunate state of affairs. It just doesn't seem right! And I just hate to see you deprived & not happy in the circumstances, blossom! Sad
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Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2007 08:33 am
Im sorry Roberta.

I thought you might have been looking for a solution along with your venting. Sad

Hig hug.
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Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2007 08:45 am
Shewolf and olga, Thanks mucho. I truly appreciate your kindness. Not wanting me to be unhappy. It means a lot.

I'm adjusting--badly. But when you come right down to it, this should be my biggest problem.

It ain't.
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Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2007 08:34 pm

The very next time Possum takes a dive at my foot and scratches it - and I bleed all over the carpet, I'm going to bundle the little bastard up and post him to you!

What was your address again! Twisted Evil

(not having much success getting the blood out of the carpet - perhaps some of those nice CSI people could come and give me a hand!)
(and the foot now looks like it's infected! bastard!)
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