I can't see your picture, oak!
(Though I must tell you that I love the upside-down avatar

the avatar Mac. Induced vertical gravity factor via M/S PhotoDraw.
It's just me and my old dog.
I'll post the pics again
darn, I can't get there from my work computer!
Well, olk, I don't think, any of us can go to that private site.
And the pic doesn't show up either
very strange , the pics are on yahoo and i can see them here on the thread
John, I can't see the pics at work either - this is because the site you are using is blocked from our networks.
I can't see them at home, and the site was blocked.
ok guys. I've reposted them, minus the http tags. maybe that will help.
one pic i a Hoover ad
the other is a Fed X ad
Still can't access them, John, and I'm at home.
Andrew, I'm downloading pics from Yahoo and I can see them on my screen in the thread. They are JPegs, what am I doing wrong.
That's all because of your EU-animosity! :wink:
Seriously, I can't imagine.
I saw the pics for a short while, couldn't open the link, you gave ... and then didn't see the pics anymore.
The problem Boss, is that you have access to that site, and that information is provided to the site's server by your machine, our machines provide no such information, because we are not registered at that site.
So Setanta, it's a waste of time my trying to post pics.
Tho Walter might have hit the nail on the head. I'm on the EUs most wanted list and I'll be banned from every beach, camping site, bier keller in the known olde worlde.
3 hail brussels and a rosary
One thing you can sometimes do, OAK, is to go to that site, and right click the image. On the drop down will be the source of the image embedded in the url address of the site you are at. Go to the site from which the image was originally posted, and get the url for the image from that site, and then try to post it here.
oldandknew, Those are wonderful. Thanks. I had a terrible time trying to post a photo. I finally resolved the problem by sending it in a private email to someone who had a site that was accessible to all. She then sent me an IM here with the link. I picked up the link and used it on my thread. Voila. A photo!! A bit convoluted, but it worked.
Mac, LOL.
I've seen a number of signs containing information for blind people, including one at the post office. Duh.