Hi Guys!
I would rather post here than phpBB.com - mostly because I get lost and confused there!
Has anyone else experienced overactive word censors on phpbb? as an example, my word "document" is getting bleeped and it comes out as do*bleep*ment - yup, the 3 letters c u m are wiped out. Yes, that 3 letter word is in my censor list, however there are no wildcards before or after in the word censor list, i.e. it is those 3 letters alone.
I think I actually deleted the word - not worth the headaches, and document is a common word, but then i just posted the word "scraped" and it happend again - for yet another word that begins with c - c r a p
and again, there were no wild cards.
is this a quick fix, or a horror show?
Thanks for any info!
UPDATE: I'm getting way too comfortable here - the answer was on phpbb - happened after the 2.04 (or possibly 2.03 upgrade)
Open up includes/functions.php. Online 506, find:
$orig_word[] = '#(' . str_replace('\*', '\w*?', phpbb_preg_quote($row['word'], '#')) . ')#i';
And replace with:
$orig_word[] = '#\b(' . str_replace('\*', '\w*?', phpbb_preg_quote($row['word'], '#')) . ')\b#i';
this can be found at