Hi gang!
Craven - you've gone way above and beyond the call with all that you've done for me. Which won't stop me from asking for more help!
I've tried not to lean on you too much, and if you don't have the time, patience, inclination, or insert appropriate whatever here...
anyway, i spent a bit of time installing phpadsnew - the install wasn't bad. finding which f'ing file to point to was a bear (the docs assume too much)
anyway, now i'm trying to actually do some stuff with banners - and on my front page i was getting all sorts of header errors - whether i used javascript or php
i know, i should have cut and pasted the code or the errors - but anyway, i didn't know if there was a simple way to insert the code to avoid these problems - in other words, where does the code go?
btw - found a decent "walkthrough" at
http://www.sitepoint.com/article/760/4 - it is a very basic, "Let's create a banner" - but then it doesn't say, "Okay gary, gimme your hand - now we'll cut the generated code and paste it here" - that's where i'm getting into trouble - phpadsnew is the most incredible ad program (or virtually any program i have seen) - Craven, you were right - this is like a phpbb just for ads - unbelievable! I do wonder if it is overkill for my simple needs, however it may be the easiest way to get ads on my front page.
choice # 2 for me would be to simply find a way to get the overall_header banner stuff into the front page, which i've tried in the past - generated errors as the ad management is not called until after the beginning (or entire) front page loads.
UPDATE: I found a thread on phpbb that talks about the integration - i haven't tried it out yet - if you think it would be of interest i'd be happy to cut and paste the link or mod