Chai wrote:dlowan wrote:
One assumes such practices lead to endorphins being released en masse, and lead to a kind of entranced ecstasy.
People who self mutilate because of emotional trauma report tremendous relief.
Interesting dlowan.
Would you say then that those who have a "herd mentality" in general are partly/mainly being part of the group, not just for the security it offers, but because it too produces these endorphins?
I'm thinking of situations like rock concerts, political rallies, competitive sports. I've seen people acting so out of character at these events, it's like they are strangers.
Of course, depending on the situation, it might behoove one to play the part of joining in, as the consequences of not participating might be preceived to be worse.
Damned if I know.
I do not know that the Abramamic three are all that comfortable with ecstatic experience (which I am assuming the self mutilating religious form part of the tradition of)...although they, and pantheism, seem to have been able to tolerate them if they don't get too out of hand (for pantheistic versions, look at the rites of Dionysos, and, in a more controlled form, the Eleusinian mysteries)...for christians, the charismatic folk and such ecstatics as Juliana of Norwich.
I suspect the ecstatics tend to be more on the non corformist end of the scale these days, but I have no claim to expertise on such matters.
The rock concert and sporting event have, for most of us, replaced the mass ecstatic "religious" experience in the west I suspect.
Which probably means we crave for it!
Better that than Nuremberg Rallies, I guess.