parados wrote:Nice to see you jumping in here to defend an even bigger strawman Bill while building your own strawman.
(I notice you didn't include the rest of my post.) :wink:
I never claimed Baddog didn't care about anyone but himself. That would be your strawman. I said Baddog posted it as if it had some merit.
Baddog admitted he posted it because he thought it had merit. But don't let that prevent you from claiming it can never be substantiated.
Perhaps you should have used large green letters for your entire post Bill. :wink:

Gee, not the "I know you are but what am I? strategy from Parados... big shock. Go ahead and substantiate that the author or Baddog fail to "care about anyone but themselves"... or admit your straw man. The conclusion you jumped to is as unsupported as it will remain unsupportable... which is of course
completely. The balance of your post wasn't required to demonstrate this.
parados wrote: Shame on the person that wrote this email for failing to care about anyone but themselves and shame on you Baddog for repeating it as if it has some merit.
You'll notice my post neither exaggerates your position nor lessens the strength of your argument in any way.
(Author Selfish = reasonable conclusion)

(Author cares about "no one but himself" = unsupportable conclusion) = Straw Man
Please familiarize yourself with the definition of Straw Man before attempting the "I know you are but what am I strategy" again. :wink: When you falsely assumed that the person that wrote this email was "failing to care about anyone but themselves" by doing so, and then broadened your charge with "and shame on you Baddog for repeating it as if it has some merit.", your implication was quite clear. I neither altered nor exaggerated your argument (clearly, there was no need for either :wink:); I merely highlighted the absurdity of it. This

Straw Man.
Ps. If anyone else has been frustrated by trying to make this symbol: "

", but only get "≠" or "≠" for your trouble; copy this picture of it. (What a pain.)
I had to laugh out loud when baddog1 wrote:As I am the most aware of my intentions regarding this post - you are definitely the strawman in this matter - and that is no assumption! :wink:
Psssst... Baddog click here and look up Straw Man :wink: