Re: Do you believe in ANGELS...? Ever seen one...?
Lost TeddyBear wrote:I was just curious as to whether you believe in ANGELS or not or if you've had any experience with them such as seeing or sensing them in some capacity.
Thanks in advance
Believe in them and have sensed their existence a few times.
Several years back a friend of mine took ill one morning and as he sat there on the davenport, I sensed the images of three beings up in back of him. A few weeks later, on the night that he died in the local hospital, I sensed one of them again and it was hovering over the headboard part of the bed. I might have dismissed it as an overactive imagination had he not died that night.
Then there was the time I took a rather bad fall and broke my leg and could see someone up in the tree above me. Now, I knew intellectually there could not be anyone in that tree; but, I knew something was there keeping an eye on me. The someone up in the tree didn't have a face, it was basically just a shimmering light. Sort of a white hot glow surrounded by a diminishing golden aura. No, it was not the sunlight, the sun was in a different location at that hour of the day.
Essentially, what I often refer to as angels, might also be called spirits or souls from the great beyond...that realm known as Heaven. I do not question that they exist, neither do I attempt to figure out their purpose. I have been able to come to the conclusion over time, that they are here to protect us and to offer comfort in time of need. If you hold still and let your mind clear, you can quite often sense them being nearby. Now mind you, they don't spend every minute of every day with you constantly watching your every move. They seem to come around more for specific purposes. Sometimes (as I indicated) to help bring a person back over (passing over to the other side), sometimes to ease a fear and offer a support....although we may not realize it is happening. Have you ever wondered why something can be terrifying you at one moment and then moments later for no known reason you are as calm as can be? The answer is angels.
Oh, I have also seen angels on television...they are not one of my favorite baseball teams.