@High Seas,
High Seas, Those graphgs you posted in Sept. I cannot, for the life of me , interpret their significance. CAn you help me?
My paleo data has given me another piece of data that stupfs the eye of anthropogenic GW. From, varves, lake core diatom and pollen studies, ice cores, laser ablated tree rings, and coral stratigraphy, we note that a "delayed" effect of CO2 is common to all of these sample clusters. That is, CO2 appears to be a consequence of temperature change, and apparently not a cause of it. This is constantly showing up in repeatable samplingsyet it seems to be counter to the dogma of man induced GW.
Im still an extreme skeptic and dont consider this "Settled sciuence" by any means.
High Seas, what sort of systems modelling do you do?.
We work with mostly FD andFE models for ground water flow and chemistry. However, we never try to use ourmodels in any forensic sense because calibration can induce certain arguments that compromise the ultimate outcome of the models.