All heads:
Mr. Man had a garden. A squirrel kept eating his stuff. Mr. Man set a trap and the next morning found the furry little creature caught fast.
The squirrel told Mr. Man. "Please, Mr. Man. If you'll let me go, some day I might be able to do you a favor."
Mr. Man laughed. "How could something as insignificant as you, ever help me?" but impressed by the squirrel's audacity, he set the creature free.
It just so happened that in the realm of Mr. Man's domain, there lived a ferocious tribe of "All Heads" They loved to eat people and in a surprise foray, caught Mr. Man and tied him to a stake, and lit a fire at his feet.
Oh, my Gawd. All appeared bleak for Mr. Man, but as fables would have it, the one thing that all heads loved was music.
From somewhere in the glen they suddenly heard a strange song:
Chink..chink...chinkee, the wolf's got the deer skin...chink chink chinkee, the wolf's got the deer.
The all heads rolled toward the sound of the music, forgetting about Mr. Man. High up in the tree tops, the squirrel played his small fiddle and continued singing.
Mr. Man, seeing his chance for salvation, threw back his head and sang:
Roman, Bowman, all them ginny dogs out, cause you've got a man to help out.
The dogs came arunnin' and a howling and ate up all the all heads. The squirrel gnawed through Mr. Man's ropes and set him free.
My dad's wonderful version of Androcles and the Lion. He pronounced "all" and "oil" the same way, so I pictured the heads as "Oil heads"...

...scared the hell out of me as a kid, thinking of those greasy, slippery heads full of sharp teeth...