@Barry The Mod,
dj, The day before Easter pics are wonderful. Dem otters are sharp. The Easter pics are also wonderful, and tres Eastery. Don't know why the otter is walking around with a clump of grass in its mouth. Hey, none of my business.
MJ, I'm OK. I'm OK. recovered from yet another thud. You'd think that by now I'd be building up some kinda immunity. Murlin and the buttercup. Over the top. Murlin's gonna be a big guy. Look at his feet! As for early posters on this thread, there's a bunch who've gone missing, and I miss them. Lord Ellpus, Francis. Whoda thunk that this thread would be alive and kicking for such a long time. I love that cat/guitar pic. I sent it to a friend with a cat and a guitar. Is the cat missing? Thanks, kid. Per tutti.
olga, What an extraordinary shot. Thanks, mucho.
Barry, Love dem spaniel ears. Look at them fly. Welcome home, dad.
I get the feeling that something was going on here that I'm glad I didn't get to see. Whatever happened, thanks you guys for taking care of it. Youda best.
Dogbane beetle: