@High Seas,
Well, I'm wombatted out.
Glad to see that sugar glider. Love that poiple boid.
Gonna miss you, dj. The jernt won't be the same without you. Is today's bunny biting his nails? Wabbits! The two tier otters are wunderbar.
MJ, Those dogs are beautiful whether they're saving your life or not. Be still my heart. I love those German shepherds.
Irish, Your guess could be right. I hope you know that no prizes will be awarded. But if you're right, you'll have my undying admiration. I'll be awake. 4:02 a.m. is the shank of the evening for me. I'll be watching. That cat is a new one on me. It's a beauty. I hope it hangs in.
High Seas, There's nothing like swimming with a dog. Even the little ones don't like their humans to go under the water. Thanks for the congrats and good wishes. I'm stunned that this thread has become what it became. I love this thread. I'm glad other people like it too. Travel safe.