BTW Roberta, I posted my reply b4 reading the whole thread, I love your entries. Some of these animals, I've never seen before!!!!! I'm definitely an animal lover, so I'll be bookmarking this page. here's the pic I referred to, and another example of a BEAUTIFUL Jag I got from webshots. I'll also post a pic of a black leopard to show the difference
. (If I can figure it out!)
Here is your leopard, but I think is Jag:
Here is Twilight, a Jag I found on webshots:
Here is a "tawny" Jag:
and a "tawny" leopard:
The spots give it away on the tawnies, because if the leopard is large enough they will look almost identical. The melanistics are almost too close together, either way I think they're beautiful animals. I hope my pics uploaded!!!!