Since you follow Wandel's evolution thread I don't have to quote Darwin to you - he has an entire chapter commiserating with assorted male animals, including peacocks, for the heartbreakingly intense evolutionary efforts they make to attract a female of the species and get romantic with her, so to speak - and he does regretfully add words to the effect females are free to look as drab as they want. How come things changed since he wrote?!
I loved the half-snowy, half-speckled peacock, so very similar to (ladies') clothes I watched shown today; collection is called "resort". With apologies to our hostess, and knowing full well this isn't directly related to animals, I thought you would all like to see the brightest "white-blue" action in the skies (ultraviolet aka high-energy part of the spectrum) just now, two massive galaxies colliding; the picture is called "Starburst":