This is the fourth time I'm trying to post this response. Trying to remain calm. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
C.I., The bird looks like it might be in the kingfisher family. The bat looks like a fruit bat, also known as a flying fox. And your roommate looks exactly like a tourist.
osso, I'll tell you what I know about fennec foxes. They are the smallest of the fox, wolf, wild doggish kinds of animals. They get to maybe three and a half pounds. They live in the Sahara Desert. The big ears serve two purposes. They act as a means of keeping the animal cool. And the acute hearing they provide helps the animal to hunt. It's a nocturnal predator, so it needs acute senses to find its prey. C'est tout from moi.
littlek, I remember your mentioning your niece's horse book earlier in this thread. Glad she finally decided to lend it to you. I look forward to seeing the pix. Guard that book with your life.