The Guardian has a good article on birds in literature by Esther Woolfson -
I think it would be fun to find some photos to match...
Skipping to the chase, I'll name the birds and the books:
american eagle; Spring in Washington by Louis J. Halle
birds in cages; Jazz by Toni Morrison
pigeons, talking thrush; Natural History by Pliny
magpie; Magpie Magic by April Wilson
hummingbirds, toucans, secretary birds; Feeding Caged Birds by Kenton C. Lint and Alice Marie Lint
the pigeon (and others); A Venetian Bestiary by Jan Morris
the white bird (metaphoric); The White Bird Passes by Jessie Kesson
ravens, corvids; Ravensong - A Natural and Fabulous History of Ravens and Crows by Catherine Feher Elston
jackdaw; O Caledonia by Elspeth Barker
crows and ravens; In the Company of Crows and Ravens by John M Marzluff and Tony Angel
Ok, I've typed the list, now for my rest phase.