When it comes to operating 'tax free', churches are not even close to the biggest beneficiaries of this type of an arrangement.
Government owned and operated schools and colleges all receive their income 'tax free' as well as 'tax subsidized' and in many cases nearly all of their income is from taxes.
They own huge tracts of land and buildings which generate no tax revenue.
Very few churches are in the same league as these schools (which are in fact large businesses) when it comes to dodging taxes.
Churches also get regularly threatened with the loss of their tax exemption if a church employee dare speak his/her mind on a political subject.
Yet government school teachers, professors at government universities and administrators of such institutions are well known for their political activism and views. And they are public employees on the public payroll.
When was the last time you heard that a government school or college might lose their tax exemption for this reason?
Never, that's when.