But WHY can't children look at porn?

Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 07:40 pm
When I've asked this in the past I've never had a proper logical anser!

I don't want people giving me some kind of 'because the can't!!'

Baby animals watch their parents having sex, the baby horse steals anothers food.

So why are human baby animals not allowed to watch pornography?

Flame to me, and you will be ignored!
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,831 • Replies: 28
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Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 07:43 pm
Animal brains and human brains are different.

Animal sexuality and human sexuality is different.

Animal society and human society is different.

You may sense a theme...

Humans are animals, yes, and there are a whole lot of commonalities. But this is one of the areas where there are differences.

Porn is harmful to children. (Porn, by the way, as separate from more straightforward acknowledgment of sexuality.) The fact that porn is harmful to children has been shown in a variety of ways by a variety of studies. I am against anything that is harmful to children. Children should not be shown porn.
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Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 07:48 pm
This seems to be a decent overview, with cites:

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Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 07:54 pm
When I try to not look at this question from a moral standpoint, I can find at least one benefit (aside from the possible costs) of letting children look at porn: They will eventually give up the obsessive fixation that I and all my cohort of friends had when growing up (of course this is an assumption, namely that the fixation will decrease rather than increase). Sex is best when it is between a particular man and a particular woman, not between a general man and a general woman. American men today are stimulated by eroticism in the abstract, not about the nearness of an attractive actual woman.
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Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 11:00 pm
Because porn doesnt portray the trust and care and love that should be built into a working relationship.

In many cases porn portrays exactly the opposite.

No trust, no care, no relationship.
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Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 11:12 pm
Dadpad, yes, that's it, in a nutshell.
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Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 11:18 pm
I've just banned my son (15) from the internet for an indefinite period for googling illegal pron.

Hes in his bedroom now with his gf developing a relationship, and I couldnt be more happy.
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Reply Wed 20 Dec, 2006 11:48 pm
Damn! I wish my mom or dad would have allowed my girlfriend into my room when I was that age so I could develop a relationship! I would have sworn off porn!
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Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 01:02 am
During NY childhood,
when I wanted porn, I just bought it.

That was not legal, but being legal
was not what I cared about,
so long as I did not violate someone else 's rights.

Cash is the universal solvent.
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Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 01:18 am
Re: But WHY can't children look at porn?
minipb wrote:
When I've asked this in the past I've never had a proper logical anser!

I don't want people giving me some kind of 'because the can't!!'

Baby animals watch their parents having sex, the baby horse steals anothers food.

So why are human baby animals not allowed to watch pornography?

Flame to me, and you will be ignored!

I have no kids,
so I cannot think as a parent does.
It cud be possible, that if I had kids,
then maybe I 'd change my mind for some reason.

The answer appears to be that for emotional reasons
that parents cannot logically define
their children looking at porn
gives them a vague sense of anger,
sometimes intensely.
Sometimes, I 've heard them allege
that their children will be more prone to divorce,
if thay have seen porn, during childhood.

Even considering this question at all evokes
great negative emotion from them,
with vague n very general attributions of " indecency ".
" If u were DECENT, then u 'd KNOW, and find no need to ask such a question !!!! "

I cannot begin to guess
what the psychological root of their irritation is.
I doubt that it is much of a danger to the kid 's eyesight,
nor likely to grow hair on the palms of his hands.

Is this phenomenon limited to boys ?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 01:18 am
The "answer" lies in the defintions of "childhood" and "pornography".

In as much that "childhood" is considered to be a fragile period of growth an learning where "good" and "bad" can have significant influence then "pornography" defined as "material which can deprave or corrupt" (English legal definition) is obviously antithetical to "childhood".

Whether or not you agree with these definitions or their origins is irrelevant to their logical antithesis. As already stated the argument about animals is irrelevant because they don't have linguistic concepts.
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Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 01:33 am
Children are very impressionable. They soak in information like sponges. That's why they learn a new language so much faster than adults attempting to do the same thing. It worries me that children could be watching porn, minus the counter-balance of caring adult influence. Like a number of troubled young boys that I've worked with. They've watch a lot of extremely violent videos, too. I strongly suspect they were "influenced", by their behaviour & attitudes.
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Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 01:41 am
All should note that minipb's desire for a logical answer has already been deflated by the fact that his capacity to ask questions at all logically separates him from "the animals" on which his argument rests.
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Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 01:56 am
dadpad wrote:
Because porn doesnt portray the trust
and care and love that should be built into a working relationship.

From the earliest age that I can remember
( I remember my 3rd birthday, and some of the time leading up to it )
I never believed that marriage was a good way to go.
Remaining single affords much better freedom,
and safety in time of loud n stressful circumstances with young ladies.

At the age of 11,
against my better judgment,
I tolerated circumstances that led to another kid
stealing my property; I then adopted the vu
that u shud not trust anyone with more than u r willing to lose.
That does not exclude having relationships,
but I have learned, from years n decades of observation
that one shud be wary, n think defensively.

I 've heard of women who begift their daughters
with some cash on their wedding day,
counselling them to secretly keep it at hand " just in case ".
That makes sense to me, instead of blind trusting n hoping for the best.


In many cases porn portrays exactly the opposite.

OK, so suppose that
an artistic representation is of a couple who r trusting n reciprocally caring,
and then become involved with one another erotically.
In your judgment, and by your criteria,
is it then OK for children to observe this erotic art ?

No trust, no care, no relationship.

If there is no relationship,
then presumably, there will be no porn,
since erotic endeavors will not exist,
for absence of opportunity.

I might add that u can CARE about someone,
u might wish that person happiness,
without trusting that person.

For instance,
let us suppose that someone decides to profit from going into the porn business.
Suppose further that he has a lot of GOOD WILL for some fotografic models.

He then hires them
to profit from fotografing them in erotic practices,
and he pays them very well,
in the manifestation of his caring good will for them,
but he does not leave his unsupervised wallet lying around within their reach.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 02:11 am
fresco wrote:
The "answer" lies in the defintions of "childhood" and "pornography".

In as much that "childhood" is considered to be a fragile period of growth an learning where "good" and "bad" can have significant influence then "pornography" defined as "material which can deprave or corrupt" (English legal definition) is obviously antithetical to "childhood".

Whether or not you agree with these definitions or their origins is irrelevant to their logical antithesis. As already stated the argument about animals is irrelevant because they don't have linguistic concepts.

I believe that your post has too many undefined assumptions,
such as " deprave " or " corrupt "; this invites circular reasoning,
which is unhelpful to understanding.

I believe that this thread presents the question,
in other words,
of specificly WHAT harm will befall a kid who sees porn ?
For instance,
will he lose the sight of one eye,
will it impair his musical ability,
or WHAT will allegedly happen to him, in a worst case scenario,
if he sees humans PEACEFULLY mating with one another ?

( Violence is a distinctly different question. )
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 02:18 am

OmSigDAVID wrote:
During NY childhood,
when I wanted porn, I just bought it.

That was not legal, but being legal
was not what I cared about,
so long as I did not violate someone else 's rights.

Cash is the universal solvent.


OmSigDAVID wrote:
During MY childhood,
when I wanted porn, I just bought it.

That was not legal, but being legal
was not what I cared about,
so long as I did not violate someone else 's rights.

Cash is the universal solvent.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 12:57 pm
OmSigDavid, your spelling may save you time, but takes more time for me to translate U as you, shud as should, etc. Just FYI.

MsOlga, your point about the impressionability of children is well taken. A major consideration.
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Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 01:14 pm
Anybody who wants children to look at porn is a sicko in my book.
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Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 05:41 pm
Well, I did, at that age.

I may be old, fat n ugly on the outside,
but inside, I 'm still a boy ( a slender, ugly boy ) at heart.

Its a question of individual rights.
During my boyhood, I was outraged n furious,
very indignant, over screwing me out of my right to vote,
or to drive, or to read whatever I dam pleased.
I had all the alcohol I wanted,
but never liked it much.
Sometimes I used to have to drink beer,
but I never liked its taste.

I detested the stench of cigarette smoke,
but I was much offended by posted signs telling me
that I cud not buy the damned things, because of my age.
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Reply Thu 21 Dec, 2006 05:54 pm
JLNobody wrote:
OmSigDavid, your spelling may save you time,
but takes more time for me to translate U as you, shud as should, etc. Just FYI.

In addition to its being a timesaver,
I am endeavoring to drag down so much of the orthografic paradime
as is non-fonetic, in that it is anti-logical, inefficient
n wasteful. If I USE the defective paradime,
then I am complicit in perpetuating it.
I was guilty of that for quite a few years n decades
n feel ashamed of it.

It is an offense against sound reasoning
to jab Ls into wud, cud or shud,
to put UGH after the word tho,
to write the word enuf, as being " enough ";
that tradition does not deserve to be preserved.
Let 's abandon it FOR THE CHILDREN.


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