For me the question is two fold - which is better in the particular instance dialogue or exposition? Then what is the best expression of each
EXPOSITION "Emily is soul destructively bone tired" OR "Emily is beyond exhausted" OR "Emily had never experienced or even imagined such all consuming exhaustion"
DIALOGUE "I am freezing, my teeth have stopped chattering, my arms can't move, endless waves are ahead and behind with no end in sight. Is it just exhaustion or is it death? I am not afraid of death, Mary but I can't let you die. You are only two. Give me your strength so my body can keep paddling, Please, Please let me borrow you strength and save you".
I think we should have a quick workshop on expressing a single feeling:- exhaustion, rage or being in love. The challenge: Give your best expression of the feeling first using a crisp exposition and then using dialogue. Then lets ask each other to do it better or different, as crisply or deeply moving as possible?