okay - minor update - i did what you suggested, and i have portal.php in the main directory - and when i hit .com/portal.php fetch comes up. i had modified fetch in a lower directory so i can now tell which one is working - anyway, i am still being redirected for some reason to forums/portal.php
i checked with cpanel, and there are no powerweb redirects.
this is index.html (i know you said there were problems with it) - i did comment out the redirect, or at least i thought i did - here goes:
<TITLE>Gadget Addict! Home of Gizmo, the original Gadget Addict!</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="A gadgeteer's dream! Gadgets, gizmos and more - reviews, news, toys, hobbies, recreation games computers pdas - we review anything interesting! FREE">
<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="gadgetaddict, Gadget Addict, Gadgets, Gizmo, Gizmos, Gadgeteer, electronics, reviews, news, free, forums, community, recreation, friendly, electronic, pockt pc, palm, pda, pocktpc">
<!-- META Tags Created by: ABS' META Tag Builder
http://www.scrubtheweb.com/abs/ -->
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000">
<script language="javascript">
so i can't figure out why hitting ga.com doesn't just bring up the portal?
UPDATE - MAYBE IT was a cache thing or something, now my index.html basically brings up the title and that's it - how do i get portal.php renamed to index.php to kick in?
UPDATE TWO - okay - this is wierd, now index.php does kick in - can it be i needed to close the page and go back in, instead of just reloading? either way, now fetch all's simple demo comes up as a default (yippee)
so i guess:
1) help!!!! (what should i put in my index.html file so google won't barf?)
2) how can i expand one (or more?) of my forums to post the contents directly to fetch all - i can either:
a) keep the set up the way i have it now, where i post into one forum (for the front page) and then copy and paste into the appropriate category (double work, but it's the best game in town for me so far) or
b) potentially create say, 3 forums that can post to the front page, and have them show say the last 4 posts from each of those forums - i would much rather do b) but i don't know what is easily feasible.
I don't know a lot. ugh.