Weird Rants To Help Keep You Sane!

Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 04:15 pm
Does the (adolescent male) voice "break" in ASL?

This uneducated guesser suspects not.

But cramping might be an issue...
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 04:40 pm
patiodog wrote:
Does the (adolescent male) voice "break" in ASL?

This uneducated guesser suspects not.

But cramping might be an issue...

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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 04:42 pm
Go to work already...
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 04:45 pm
patiodog wrote:
Go to work already...

Who let the damn dogs out?
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 05:00 pm
You do mean damned, do you not?

Some pedant you are.
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 05:04 pm
Revoke her pedant pendant!

And yes the uneducated guesser guesses correctly.

But the wabbit knew that, she was being "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck"-ly rhetorical.

And yes I know that adding "-ly" to a big long string of words like that means I have lost all pedant cred. If I ever had it. Which I doubt.
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 05:23 pm
ossobuco wrote:
Yep, I'm very Irish, unless of course you ask Heeven; for her, you don't get to claim that if not born there, if I remember one of her rants

Tee-hee, I didn't think anyone even listened to me! Oooh, my rant got under someones skin? although I like osso so I will ALLOW osso to be Irish. Full blooded. I christen her with whiskey and force her to say cat-edral (no pronouncing the "h" in cathedral) over and over again until she has the accent right.

I have no other rant to go on about, except for the fact that I can't stand people. Have I mentioned that before? I need to lighten up and stop getting my knickers in a knot over every little thing. I need a personality brightener (do they sell those in WalMart?). I think I'll ask Santa for one for Christmas.
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 05:31 pm
Glad to be off the page with the damned car. Don't like unnecessary scrolling. In fact, not sure I followed half (or more) of what was on that page. This page is decidedly better.

Just have one question: Soz, Did the kid's hair stand straight up? I mean like really straight up?
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 05:34 pm
STRAIGHT UP. It was the darndest thing. It was actually STRAIGHT UP!

<soz dissolves into a puddle of ennui>
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 06:01 pm
I finally came up with a rant that I can share (yeah, I know I'm slow):

High speed internet access can be such a misnomer. I don't care if you've got high speed cable (which is what I've got) or your high speed DSL, it's not worth a hill of beans if you've got a bad router between your computer and the website you're trying to get to! Mad

Under those circumstances, it's no better than bloody dial-up. High speed can generally only be guaranteed within your ISP's immediate arena, so to speak.
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 06:04 pm
That was a pitiable rant. Reyn needs our help.

I suggest that you go look at any of OmSigDavid's posts -- observe the bold letters, the multicolours (like spewing a box of crayons) and the forceful, if incomprehensible, language use. Then, try again.

Twisted Evil
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 06:18 pm
Yeah, I know, but if I really rant, I might use some colourful language of my own. Laughing
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 06:37 pm
Reyn wrote:
I finally came up with a rant that I can share (yeah, I know I'm slow):

High speed internet access can be such a misnomer. I don't care if you've got high speed cable (which is what I've got) or your high speed DSL, it's not worth a hill of beans if you've got a bad router between your computer and the website you're trying to get to! Mad

Under those circumstances, it's no better than bloody dial-up. High speed can generally only be guaranteed within your ISP's immediate arena, so to speak.

Good grief...take the cork out, man, and RANT!!!!

Heeven wrote:
ossobuco wrote:
Yep, I'm very Irish, unless of course you ask Heeven; for her, you don't get to claim that if not born there, if I remember one of her rants

Tee-hee, I didn't think anyone even listened to me! Oooh, my rant got under someones skin? although I like osso so I will ALLOW osso to be Irish. Full blooded. I christen her with whiskey and force her to say cat-edral (no pronouncing the "h" in cathedral) over and over again until she has the accent right.

I have no other rant to go on about, except for the fact that I can't stand people. Have I mentioned that before? I need to lighten up and stop getting my knickers in a knot over every little thing. I need a personality brightener (do they sell those in WalMart?). I think I'll ask Santa for one for Christmas.

You're an emu, why you trying to make with the people for anyway?

If you lose your ped cred, are you drec?
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 11:26 pm
dlowan wrote:
If you lose your ped cred, are you drec?

According the official "Pedantry Guidelines" handbook, you're not drek. You're on probation. Permanent drek status will be conferred only if you don't shape up. Pedants are tightasses with a heart.
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Reply Tue 12 Dec, 2006 11:48 pm
Are we not speaking of dreck?
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 02:48 am
ossobuco wrote:
Are we not speaking of dreck?

Hel no...I mean hec no.
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 09:12 am
Roberta wrote:
Eva wrote:
Roberta wrote:
Back in the day when I was a fledgling editor, they were called leaders. Now, fancy shmancy ellipsis. The problem persists.

Oh, for crying out loud! A leader is a whole series of dots, as in a table of contents, leading up to the page number:

Chapter Two
What the f*ck is an ellipsis anyway?...................................37

An ellipsis is the three-dot thingy that indicates a pause (like this)...and I love 'em even if I do hafta edit them out in professional writing.

Where's another one of those damn pain pills? And why hasn't the doctor's office returned my call yet?! I don't care how many damn people got sick over the weekend, my back HURTS! I am stealing serious pain meds from my hubby, and I still can't stand up straight. Ring, damn phone, RING!!!

According to Words into Type published three years before I went into publishing (1964), an ellipsis is the part of a quote or sentence that's missing. (No mention of dots.) Do you want the exact quote?

We referred to the dots that were used to indicate that something was missing as three leaders. The definition of ellipsis has changed and expanded; it now refers to the dots.

I'm sorry you're in pain. I hope you get relief soon. But please don't suggest that I don't know what I'm talking about.

I didn't mean to suggest that, Roberta! I'm sorry. The pain meds have kicked in now, so I'm not feeling nearly as "rant-y." Lalalalalalala...... Laughing

You're right, ellipses are used most correctly to indicate missing parts of quotes or statements. In current usage, they also indicate pauses. (Although that's not technically correct.)

The definition of "leaders" could have changed with the advent of publishing software, or the differences could be regional. I don't know. But in all the software I've used, leaders can be dots, dashes, bullets or even solid lines.

Um, now that I've calmed down, do I hafta leave this thread?
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 01:24 pm
Eva, Glad you get your medication and that you're getting some relief from the pain.

The terms I was using were from almost 40 years ago! Times change, terminology changes, and lord knows I've changed.

Dunno know if you have to leave this thread. That's a matter for Deb. Dunno if "hopping mad" is a criterion for posting here.
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 01:34 pm
Well I'm hopping mad.

I have a ton of stuff that I have to do. I drop off my daughter at kindergarten, ahhhh, I have almost three hours, hooray! I take a deep breath, relax a bit, I need to eat first right? Then I decide to work on my website a bit, and I check into A2K while doing that, and there are some things to read, and I chat a bit. Eh, good for my mental health, still plenty of time. Then work on my website more, fiddle with this, fiddle with that, oh that looks much better. Happy sigh, glance at the clock.

IT'S 2 [expletive] 30 ALREADY!!!! HOW THE [expletive] DID THAT HAPPEN?!

I have about 25 things to do in the 15 minutes or so left before I have to pick up the kid. And I have nobody to blame but myself.


[size=7]At least I made progress on the website.[/size]
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Reply Wed 13 Dec, 2006 02:14 pm
Reyn, the trick is to bribe the hamsters.

Intimidation doesn't work. They just go hide under something.

Go get you some mealworms, stuff them (while still wriggling) into one of the slots on your computer. Doesn't matter which one.
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