Pretty similar in general. Early on, when my husband didn't really get this whole thing, he read something that someone said about me and exclaimed "wow, they really KNOW you."
The difference (and part of why I like posting here) is that in some situations with hearing people I have to be way more passive than my "real" personality. Basically, if I'm in a group of hearing people who don't know me very well I have to just kind of nod and smile until I get into the swing of things. If I stop them every other word, there is no flow and I will never be able to figure out their speech patterns (plus it's just a little irritating
). If I sit there stony-faced and not responding at all, I freak them out and they stop turning towards me while speaking. So I have to do this thing where I smile when a joke seems to have been made and furrow my brow when something worrisome seems to have been said and cup my chin and nod thoughtfully when something profound seems to have been said, without
participating because I don't yet have a grasp of what is
actually being said. Absolutely hate that, though it's a necessary evil, especially as we've moved so much and I have to keep meeting new people (and I don't actually want to keep my social contacts to people who are fluent in ASL).
But sometimes after one of those, when I never really was able to grab onto the conversational thread and I think the impression I made was of an agreeable but slightly dim little wifey, it's really nice to come on here and have fun being way more, well, me.