Re: God sets us straight.
au1929 wrote:Wouldn't it be great if one day God were to decide to straighten out the mess he made when he created man by announcing to entire world in all languages that all religions were man made and the only prayers he wanted was that man should love his neighbor.
What if God has already done that, and continues to do that every day?
What if His language is the sound of the wind, the rushing of a stream,
and the beauty we see all around us every time we look?
I have a theory that most people would listen for a few seconds,
say "Yeah, that's nice" and continue living as before.
Same as yesterday. Same as today. Same as tomorrow.
We may just be perfectly human, doing whatever it is we do.
Or perhaps God is not actually all around us, with and in everything
we think and do. That's possible too.