Butrflynet wrote:From the Edit Profile page near the spot where you do the avatar bit:
Quote:Displays a small graphic image below your details in posts. Only one image can be displayed at a time, its width can be no greater than 90 pixels, the height no greater than 100 pixels, and the file size no more than 6 KB.
Thank, both butrflynet and LE -
I see I mixed it up when I said 100 & 90. Back when I was having trouble that day doing resizing via photobucket, I would have something under those pixels, at less than 6 KB, and by the time I went to put the avatar on a2k, I would get a notice from a2k saying it was too big; then I'd go and check it, and it was indeed too big. Weird. Anyway, Reyn's suggested site works just fine, and I'll just use photobucket to store original photos from now on.
(Sorry to interrupt, Roberta.)
One thing you might do while waiting for smarter people on this matter than you and I is to right click on one of the photos above and then click on properties (I think) and then click on open image in another window.
It will, and the url (address) at the top will have jpeg (or one of those) at the end. You can then cut and paste it into the box on a2k's avatar form.
(If that is the question you were asking...)