Mon 4 Dec, 2006 03:47 pm
Help wanted please.
Cant get 65d. Demanding - Ive got Te?ting.
Also 14d. Is it Trooper?
Thanks Sweda
Hi Sweda
65d is HEROICS (I had a problem with this one too)
(62a is LOCKSMITH/70a is OBSCENE/76a is DROPOUT/82a is INTACT/
and 14d is UNGUENT
(12a is OCCUPANT/21a is EPIGRAPH/33a is EVADE/39a is BENZENE/
44a is TRAIN)
Perhaps Dutchy or Lezzles or Imur can verify these.
Best wishes
Hi sweda!
I went for TESTING for 65d.
For 14d I decided on TROUPER. There is always argument about the difference between trooper and trouper which seems to boil down to a trooper being a member of an official group, usually in uniform, eg. army troop, troop of scouts, troop of rangers, whereas a trouper is a member of a more informal group such as a troupe of actors. Following this line of thinking, TROUPER is often used to describe someone who takes on extra work, sticks with it when things get difficult, helps others to get their work done, tries to keep up everyone's morale, etc, etc - thus a STAUNCH COLLEAGUE.
This is just a personal opinion - perhaps someone else would like to add their two cents' worth.
Hi Lezzles
I asked about 65d on 2/12/06 as Dutchy gave me
the answers below. What did you have for 62a,
as I think LOCKSMITH is the answer and that
leaves 65d to start with a H?
65d = heroics
140a = cineaste
103d = debug
Regards Dutchy
Anyway, it comes out in the wash but I can't see that
for 14d Greasy medinal cream, you haven't got UNGUENT.
Best regards
Hi Sweda and Lezzles
You are not referring to The Demon, are you?
Because you have given different clues for 14d and 65d.
(I have sent my Big answers in already but have a copy
of THE Demon answers).
Best regards
Lovatts December Big
I think there is confusion with this post as Tigiie is referring to the Demon and Lezzles and Sweda are referring to the Bigcash. Take care and check you answers.
Regards Tuesday
Thanks to all who answered.
I was referring to The Big but you have given me some answers for the demon which I am still working on.
I jumped in with the answers to the wrong crossword.
No wonder the answers didn't make sense.
Hi All
Can anybody assist me with the six letter word solution for the Cluedoku on page 21 of the December Big. I'm just no good in that game
Many thanks in advance.
Hi Dutchy
I also can't do the Cluedoku.
I have tried to study it, hope I can
solve it one day! Think patience is
needed to solve it.
Best regards
Hi Tigiie
I know how you feel. I got all the clues ok I think, with the first one being "modernist" but from there on I'm lost.
Hope some good soul comes and rescue us.
Regards Dutchy.
Hi Dutchy
I got all of the clues out but working all of the letters in
each box, it was just too much for me at the moment.
1 Modernist
2 Nodes
3 Dies
4 Ion
5 Diet
6 Semi
7 Miser
8 Rod
9 Eton
10 Ten
11 Son
12 Nod
13 Ride
Perhaps this will help
Best wishes
Hi Tigiie
My clues are exactly the same, but it is the next step where I"m stumped?
december big
I am glad to see that others are having trouble with the cluedoku, like Dutchy and Tigiie I have all the answers to the clues but can't go any further,cant do the Sudoko's either, maybe I'm just not good with numbers.
Will keep hoping
Tigiie, Tuesday,
That makes three of us.

I wonder if some good Samaritan is going to get us out of trouble?
Hi Dutchy and Tuesday
I have trouble with the next step too.
I decided that I would work on it but
I still can't do it.
What I did do though, was only work on the squares that I
needed to get the letter in the shaded squares, then I put all
of the letters that were missing in the shaded square and tried
working from that.
But it was too frustrating so I just gave up.
Hi Tigiie, Dutchy and Tuesday
The answer to the Cluedoku is TORRID
They are easy when you get the idea of them, they use the same principle as sudoku but with letters.
At last I can help someone else with a puzzle instead of being the one asking for help.
Good Luck with the other puzzles
Hope you all have a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, also a safe and restful holiday.
Hi Red Door
Thank you very much for providing us with the answer.
Your festive season wishes are also appreciated. To you and your family I wish you also a Merry Christmas and every Good Wish for the year 2007.
Regards Dutchy.
december big
Thanks from me too red door. Glad you can work these out . I figure if you can't solve them with numbers letters are even harder. All the best to you too for the festive season.
Hi Red Door
Thank you for the answer.
Another place where I went wrong is that I used the shaded
square in the last grid as after the grid 2 to the left.
Thanks for your help.
Best wishes