Waiting in a reception area at my doc's, I started reading an issue of
Time. No idea the date, and haven't bother to check regarding when it would have been news, however there was a quote there by Hunter Thompson. Stuck in my mind. Apparently, he killed himself at 67 years old. Leaving a note for his wife, to the effect. ..."This ain't fun anymore. I'm 67 years old. That is 17 more years than I wanted or needed. I'm bitchy all the time. " and a little phrase I can't quite remember the wording of, but he is basically telling his wife to deal with it and not make a fuss.
That is an aside, and Thompson was a weird one. BUT:
I do firmly believe that human beings have a right to their own life. That means, they have a right to choose their own death as they see fit.
If they wish to stick around and keep fighting no matter the cost: I'll back that.
If they are ready to hang their hat here on earth for the final time, with dignity and decision, I'll back that too. (Though if I love you, you are going to have to present your case to me and deal with a bit of arguing first! ).
There is no room for debate, at all, in my mind over this.
If it ever comes to me having to face the decision for myself, I'd want to be surrounded with people who would listen to me, too.
Not treat me like I was already dead, which is sort of how I see it when others forbid or deny a person able to make the choice.
Those who can not make the choice, that is a whole other situation.