I remembered this thread when the question of a union between France and Germany came up in the
Replacing George Bush thread. I see that nobody has defended my own position here so far, so I thought I'd state it here.
Personally, I like the fact that I can travel and work wherever I want in the EU without ever showing a passport. I like the fact that i can buy whatever I want from abroad without having to pay a tariff. The EU, considered as a free-trade and a free-migration union, is clearly a good thing.
But what's good about the EU doesn't merit a European super-state in Brussels, and the emerging European super-state in Brussels doesn't add much value for the trouble it's causing. Standardization of national laws can emerge just as well through inter-national competition, combined with informal non-government standardization gremiums in the spirit of the Internet Engineering Task Force. Coordination of police forces requires telephone conferences and meetings, but not a European government. I could do without the Euro because I think it is a net drag on the welfare of Europeans. And don't get me started on Europe's shameful protectionist policies that impoverish the third world and help drive the Middle East into the hands of Islamic fundamentalism.
A European Union of some sorts is clearly a good idea, but I don't see how a European government would do Europe's citizens any good. No matter how that government is organized.